• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • So the Fornix Disc still isn’t available in the US, but one of the retailers of the Fornix Disc will ship to the US, so now I have my hands on a Fornix Disc!

    Rim stiffness - 3.5/5 on the Period Nirvana scale. Identical to the Saalt disc, really, in firmness and springiness. The rim is short and round and is slightly a pain to hold in a pinch.

    The basic is more on the structured side. Again, very similar to the Saalt disc basin in flexibility and thickness. It’s quite springy.

    The tab is thin and flexible with rounded edges, so it’s super comfortable. The tab folds on itself nicely so I probably won’t bother with cutting the stem off.

    Honestly, this disc seems very… inspired, let’s say, by the Saalt disc. It’s smack dab in between their two sizes and is incredibly similar in many ways. But the finger notch is flexible like the basin instead of stiff, so it’s easy to pinch the rim for insertion.

    I’ll write up a full review after I’ve actually used it. I’m really looking forward to trying it and am hoping it works just as well as the Saalt disc because that would be perfection.

  • I finished going through the post history of the user constantly recommending Fornix, and they recommend the disc almost every post. They also posted a 10% off coupon (REDDIT10) which I just tested as working as of today.

    They also claimed that US shipping is slated for October 1st, which I can’t corroborate from the Fornix disc website, which just says soon. Assuming this is true - well, at least I found out about this in time to prevent me from picking up the medium Moonthlies loop disc!

    Anyway, definitely a company marketing account, but they did have info I couldn’t find elsewhere.

  • Which Meluna are you interested in? They have many different cup configurations - firm, soft, ring, traditional stem, ball stem, etc.

    I have a Meluna cup but it’s from over 10 years ago and so it’s a slightly different design from what’s available today. It’s basically their mini with a ball stem. I never had any issues with opening it, as it was a medium firmness. If you get their soft cup or a larger size, you may have to work a bit more to get it to open fully.

    I liked it for my light days. I stopped using it because it developed a tear on the inside right at the bottom. It was a very sharp and pointy bottom, and I flipped the cup inside out to clean the bottom better, but that just stressed the point until it tore. Not sure if they still make the mini with such a pointy inside. It definitely wouldn’t be an issue with their larger cups.