silent_water [she/her]

  • 4 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: October 26th, 2021


  • yes, this is true. no, this isn’t why wages haven’t kept up with productivity growth or why you must work 40 hours to sustain yourself. you have to work because profit earned must increase and paying you even one iota more than you need to be able to show up to work again tomorrow is a loss of profit. if they could make you work 80 hours a week or 160, they would in heartbeat.

    thankfully, this is outlawed because labor movements of the past fought to enshrine in law a limit on how much you can be forced to work and set a minimum bar for how much they can pay you. these laws are under fire - I explore why in the rest of this reply - and will be repealed eventually if labor does not resist collectively.

    however, the rate of profit always decreases on a long enough timescale because of dead labor (technology, machines, etc), inter-capitalist competition - capitalists will steal profit from each other if there’s more to be had - and because infinite growth is impossible so eventually externalities will always overcome the creation of new capital.

    consequently, capital accumulates in the hands of the capital-owning class - an ever-shrinking group of them, at that - and this continues until you, the worker, make so little that you cannot actually show up to work the next day - the loss of social reproduction. reproduction here doesn’t only refer to progeny but also feeding, clothing, housing, etc. yourself and your family, the meeting of the basic necessities that allow you to continue working, including your health - physical and mental. capital eternally strives to reduce what it must subsidize on your behalf as ensuring you can take better care of yourself reduces profits. a capitalist that makes more profit outcompetes and drives out of business all others who choose to make less profit, eventually.

    this is also why capitalism has cyclical recessions, a fact predicted in the 1870s and termed crises of capitalism, when capital has accumulated in too few hands, profit can no longer be made, and workers struggle to feed themselves. you’re just noticing Marx’s second law - the law of capital accumulation.

  • god he took me so many tries that watching someone attempt the fight made me realize I wore an extremely deep groove into my brain. my shoulder twitches every time you have to dodge two fucking years later.

    does he actually input read, though? I remember baiting him with spacing to consistently get free hits and then dying because I got greedy and went in for just one more with a large club that locks you into a swing for an eternity. if you run to the far side of the arena from him, he does the slow, heavily telegraphed flying attack eventually so you dodge under him, let him do a combo in the wrong direction with just enough space that he can’t do the reverse claw/tail swipe thing, watch for his shoulders to relax, immediately jump attack and dodge again as soon as you connect, and break for the opposite side of the arena to rinse and repeat. he always looks like he’s open to one more swing and he will get you if you fall for it.

    so I think what he does is entirely in relation to where you are relative to him? dunno though, I wouldn’t put it past them to cheat the difficulty. I’m really bad at reading tells and reacting fast enough so I had to come up with safe strats like that for every fight and just gave up on the game because fuck doing that much work to play a game.

  • I mean, if you’re going to pretend this is the first election of all time and the last election ever, sure. or you could take history into account and make a longer term plan so that you don’t have to keep making choices about who the “lesser evil” is. if you abdicate any possible collective power, the ratchet will keep turning the dial further and further towards fascism.

  • it’s not a strategic vote! it’s an abdication of strategy that pretends only the current election matters! it assumes the present is eternal and that no electoral strategy could ever consider the future. an electoral strategy would admit the left has no real power absent a dedicated bloc and would work on creating one. to do so, you must be willing to sacrifice a few elections, because you must withhold votes and force the democrats to the bargaining table. otherwise you will forever be trapped in a cycle of voting for the “lesser” evil. FPTP does not preclude a long-term electoral strategy.

  • silent_water [she/her]@hexbear.nettoMemes@midwest.socialAren't you?
    2 months ago

    until and unless we collectively withhold our votes and so express real and actual power, the left will always remain powerless. repudiate the democrats or be forever doomed to an endless cycle of voting for the “lesser” evil. (no moral calculus can ever frame a genocidier as the lesser evil - he’s so far beyond the moral event horizon that I no longer care to calculate)