ssjmarx [he/him]

  • 7 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: August 21st, 2020


  • While individuals can find space for weight loss regimes, it really is a society-level problem.

    Consider an experiment with two populations of rats. One population gets a normal amount of food, the other gets the same food with a bunch of added sugar. Of course the population with added sugar gets fatter. But, while the average rat may have gained 10% weight or whatever, on an individual level you’ll see a wide range of results - some rats aren’t effected by the increased sugar, some gain a small amount of weight, some gain a lot.

    This is basically exactly what we’ve done to ourselves in capitalist society over the past seventy-ish years, taken our previous diet and jacked it up with a ton of sugar (and other additives and a lot of increased volume). But while with the rats it’s easy to see that all you have to do to return the overweight population to normal is to stop adding sugar to their food, with humans we can’t see that because we’ve created a system that blames you for getting sick.

    It’s like building a coal power plant in the middle of a neighborhood, and then blaming the residents when they start getting asthma or worse, and holding up the people who won the genetic lottery and don’t get lung disease as the example we should all strive to replicate.

  • 100% correct, no notes.

    I have a theory that part of the function of the “where is your child now?” stuff that really curtailed kids’ freedom in America in the second half of the twentieth century was a reaction to the Civil Rights and Anti-Vietnam movements. Both were prominently participated in by kids, the anti-war one especially, and when society goes from letting kids have a significant portion of the day to themselves in between school and supper to basically forcing them to go from one controlled location straight to another with no in-between, all of that potential youth-lead political organization falls apart because it doesn’t have anything to support it anymore.

    I don’t think it was the primary driver - after all most kids weren’t joining the Students for a Democratic Society - but it is a relevant secondary reason. The primary driver was almost certainly “property values”. I remember one of my only interactions with the HOA where my parents lived concerned plans for a playground being voted down based on the logic that children playing outside would somehow lower everyone nearby’s home value (they also made the equally-bad argument that teens would hang out at the child’s playground to smoke). Multiply this interaction by a million HOAs around the country and eventually even the kids whose parents don’t demand that they come straight home still end up going home anyway because there’s nowhere else for them to go.

  • I like it! The main character of my book is a cat-person, and while she has been told all her life that that means she’s supposed to be dexterous conniving and flirtatious, she ended up being a 6’10" brick shit house of a woman who is super straightforward and physically imposing. One of her hangups is that she has still internalized her racial stereotype and feels bad for not living up to it, but over the course of the book she realizes that the magical phrenology she was taught growing up is all fake.

  • In the setting for my book, everyone starts out human but during puberty they become a magical race based on their material conditions. Everybody assumes that the long-lived, super smart and extremely fast Elves are the best race that the best kids become when they get the best education, but the deep lore is that that’s what you turn into when you have a giant pile of money and those assumed advantages are the result of hundreds of years of propaganda and the only real difference being an elf makes is just that you consume three times as much as everybody else and live longer.