OpenBSD admin and ports maintainer

  • 4 Posts
Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: May 29th, 2024


    • Use a fork of Firefox (librewolf), or a different open source browser
      • even if you modify Firefox to remove all telemetry, Mozilla are bad actors, and will update to add new telemetry like Anonym or Cliqz by default after an update. Unless you really trust your package maintainer, use a fork or a different browser
    • Force a common useragent
    • Disable javascript everywhere, or use a browser without javascript, whenever possible
      • trying to defend against fingerprinting with javascript enabled is futile, even things like your number of cpu threads (navigator.hardwareConcurrency), list of fonts, webgl support, supported codecs, browser permissions, and variations in canvas rendering can be used in fingerprinting
        • tor browser is the only project I know of that can come close to avoiding fingerprinting with javascript, but even then you’re advised to avoid using javascript with tor browser
      • use 3rd party clients for things like youtube that would normally need javascript

  • Every piece of hardware I’ve used past 2010 or so seems to have just gotten worse and worse, I honestly think I’m cursed.

    2013 (? can’t quite remember), Sager gaming laptop with sli gpu config, gpus drew too much power for the battery (I believe), leading to black screen and reboot. Company feigned ignorance, ran unrelated tests on RMA, Socially awkward at the time and was scared to ask for a refund. Convinced to this day it was a scam.

    2015, desktop computer I built randomly powers off during usage, no errors, not the power supply, unsolved to this day.

    2020-2022 5 cheap ebay thinkpads, all with one hardware problem or another. My beloved T60p was the last to go.

    2022-present Framework laptop, ports suffer intermitent failure, webcam microphone stopped working. Replaced webcam/microphone, works for a day, breaks again. Unsolved.

    2022-preset Steam deck, had to RMA 3 times for various hardware issues, works now, but the right trigger still rubs against something but I can live with it. Spilled coffee on the left trackpad so it’s sticky; that’s my fault though so I can’t blame it on the curse.