• 2 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: April 14th, 2020


  • Ne znam da li je “nažalost”, tj. da li i može bolje. Naime, play store ima ooogroman reach i svako (i apolitično dete i sns bakuta) će da vidi ovo (ne i da skine). Naravno, neće svi povezati o čemu se radi, ali je crv postavljen i doprto je do ljudi koji ranije nisu bili u dohvatu. U ovim uslovima, nije ni to loše, po meni:)

    I am too old to remember flash igrice 90tih sa slobom i coraxovim ilustracijama, i mogu reći da su imale uticaj na mene u tim formirajućim godinama!

  • Licence is compatible, but data they have is of…questionable quality…to say at least. For example, I think building dataset is Odbl and I think it contains ML-detected buildings. These got released years ago (becase they had to release it as OdbL to mix them in their maps). Rarely who imported these buildings in OSM as there are lot pf false positives and what not. So, just because they released something under odbl/cdla doesn’t mean it is good for OSM and that it could be imported (for example speed profiles, if we ever get real gold data). Overture is more of a playground for big tech to play without OSM telling them what is good and what is not

  • Super! Pisanje članaka može da bude lep hobi (radio sam to godinama, ali sam sad više u openstreetmap svetu), ali npr. nikad nisam imao dovoljno samopouzdanja da li mi je članak dovoljno “enciklopedijski”, pa sam uvek samo radio prevode engleskih članaka. To mi je bio sweet-spot da se osećam korisno, a da se ne osećam da ne pišem kvalitetno. Doduše, ja sam se držao apstraktnih tema (matematika), pa tu nema šta da se doda lokalnog teksta. Eto, čisto moje iskustvo da podelim.

  • If you are looking to get data on your route (speed, distance), regular gps will do, errors are not high, as these error cancel each other usually. If you plan mapping for OSM - also really not worth it, as OSM is generally not more precise than 2-5m. I have dual-frequency phone and I am not impressed (accuracy is bit better, but I didn’t have wow effect). If I choose again, I would optimize my purchase for battery life (far more important in nature:D)