Mama told me not to come.

She said, that ain’t the way to have fun.

  • 45 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023

  • I really liked it, precisely because it wasn’t a Slay the Spire-esque game all the way through. I got tired of STS after beating it a few times, whereas Inscryption felt like the perfect length and held my attention throughout.

    That said, I don’t look for replayability. In fact I prefer games to not be replayable because that pushes devs to make that experience really good. It’s really easy to cop out on “replayability” if you don’t have good world building or story, and a lot of indie games do just that (i.e. it’s easier to add more cards, classes, etc than a memorable story).

    Everyone has different tastes. For me, Inscryption was right on the money. I got far fewer hours vs STS, but I came away far more satisfied.

  • Well, I’m kind of the boss, but I inherited the Python codebase. The original reasoning was it’s easier to hire/on-board people, which I think is largely true.

    If it was up to me, I’d rewrite a bunch of our code to Rust. I use it for personal projects already, so I know the ecosystem. But that’s a tough sale to the product team, so it’s probably not happening anytime soon. I’d also have to retrain everyone, which doesn’t sound fun…

    However, any change I make needs to work smoothly for our devs, and we have a few teams across 3 regions. So it needs clear advantages and whatnot to go through the pain of addressing everyone’s concerns.

  • That’s pretty impressive! We have a bunch of a bunch of compiled stuff (numpy, tensorflow, etc), so I’m guessing we wouldn’t see as dramatic of an improvement.

    Then again, <1 min is “good enough” for me, certainly good enough to not warrant a rewrite. But I’ll have to try uv out, maybe we’ll switch to it. We switched from requirements.txt -> pyproject.toml using poetry, so maybe it’s worth trying out the improved pyproject.toml support. Our microservices each take ~30s to install (I think w/o cache?), which isn’t terrible and it’s a relatively insignificant part of our build pipelines, but rebuilding everything from scratch when we upgrade Python is a pain.

  • Neither do I, and that’s concerning. Here’s their privacy policy:

    Connected Vehicle Data

    If you have a connected vehicle, your vehicle may be equipped with NissanConnect Services, which electronically transmits data generated by your vehicle. This information could include data collected in the context of a trial period or demonstration mode. Through these services, we may obtain vehicle and driving information, such as:

    • Vehicle operation – including Vehicle Identification Number (VIN), Precise Geolocation and navigation information, speed and distance information, driving behavior, EV battery information (including use management, charging history and performance), electrical system functions, diagnostic trouble codes, maintenance conditions, software version information, and similar data
    • Vehicle usage – your use of the vehicle’s functions and some corresponding services, websites and smartphone applications
    • Vehicle status – information about door locks, open doors, engine status, etc.
    • Vehicle safety – data about certain accidents involving the vehicle (for example, the direction from which the vehicle was hit, and which air bags have deployed)

    I don’t know if NissanConnect is optional (looks like it is?), or if it’s “optional,” as in you need to accept to access core car features, like setting battery charge limits, redeeming a warranty, or accessing diagnostics. But I know the capability exists and I’d really like to have guarantees, as in, can I block Nissan from remotely accessing my vehicle? If not, can I remove the module without impacting other functions of the car?

    But it’s really hard (at least in my few minutes of searching) to figure out what privacy concerns there are and what options I have to deal with it.

  • Ah, interesting. Thanks for the clarification. There’s been a lot of white-washing by people arguing that the problem wasn’t as bad as it was (it’s still a small percentage of vehicles), and I was considering getting a 2020 to avoid the issues in the earlier models.

    That said, I may still get one. From the last link:

    Briglin didn’t always run the battery low before recharging, but said that “at least 50% of charges” he plugged in below 20%. This is a similar pattern to the last fire on May 1 and something that seems to trigger the runaway thermal events.

    I will rarely be below 50% charge, much less 20%. My commute is 25 miles each way, 2x/week, so if I assume 50% range in winter, I’ll still need <50% battery capacity. The rest of the driving would be around-town, so maybe 10-15 miles/day. So I could set a cap of 80% and charge whenever it gets <40% and probably be totally fine.

    But I also plan to park in a garage with flammable stuff nearby (bare drywall, dry leaves, cardboard boxes, etc), so maybe I won’t even take that small risk. Idk, I’ll need to read more about it. I could park outside if needed though, I have a brick house with external outlets that I could use, it’s just kind of inconvenient.

  • My co-worker said told me another story.

    His friend was in a programming class, and made it nearly to the end, when he asked my friend for help. Basically, he had already written the solution, but it wasn’t working, and he needed help debugging it. My friend looked at the code, and it looked AI generated because there were obvious mistakes throughout, so he asked his friend to walk him through the code, and that’s when his friend admitted to AI generating the whole thing. My friend refused to help.

    They do exist, but this candidate wasn’t that. I think they were just under pressure and didn’t know the issue. The red flag for me wasn’t AI or not catching the AI issues, it was that when I asked how confident they were about the code (after us catching the same bug twice), they said 100% and they didn’t need any extra assurance (I would’ve wanted to write tests).