Yes, I think this is a fictional laptop, but very resemblant to MacBook. On the other hand, MacBook design is very sober.
I was making crêpes yesterday !
Butter + sugar + lime juice 😗🤌
Recipe for 12 large crêpes:
So many elements on the table are your weakness es. Hg, Pb, Po, Ra, all will kill you pretty well.
I use this one already, but that’s not the one in the screenshot.
Where did you get the screenshot from ? It it an app ? a website ? I would like to know more.
Very good initiative
There are some plug’n’play solutions out there, all off-the-shelf NAS you can find nowadays will have an “app store” type of things that will let you install Jellyfin and others Webservice in one click.
The DIY way is cheaper, more flexible, more powerful, but it’s a journey and it can be very frustrating. I too, regularly spend hours if not days on problems that end up basically as “I’m an idiot and had a typo in the config file the whole time”. It’s a hobby for me, I don’t feel like it’s wasted time, I enjoy it, I’m learning stuff.
Who know, maybe chewing the cable a little bit will improve the signal ? Let’s give it a try !
Yeah, me too man, kindergarten was dope.
This, plus self hosting jellyfin and *arr and I basically have a better service, with no ads, nice UI, access from all my devices, offline access, 4K resolution, music streaming. Basically the all-inclusive premium plan, not exactly for free, but for a very reasonable cost.
The guys in the middle is one of the main writer, he explained on a live stream that this was on purpose, they re-created as exactly as possible the advertisement from the Ghostbusters movie.
Is having a bunch of oscilloscopes in your electronics lab self-hosting now ?
Using old laptops or other repurposed computer for self-hosting is just great! Who does have an old computer collecting dusk in their home ? Anyone had the potential for self-hosting :)
Oui, oui, les plus fortunés vont prendre leurs clic et leurs clac, leurs usines, leurs entreprises, leur staff, leur patrimoine immobilier, leurs placements bourcier et vont se casser du jour au lendemain dans un autre pays. Ils vont prendre toutes leur famille et leur réseau d’influence avec eux au passage.
Les riches qui se casse juste parce que ils sont taxé 1% de plus, c’est du gros mytho. Il faut arrêter de croire ça. On peut leur en demander plus, pas de risques.
The only important thing to understand about cheese, also the most complicated thing to learn, is how to properly cut it.
I have to cut the cheese for my wife during family gatherings, because I know she will massacre the poor thing and everyone at the table will silently judge her.
There is an untold etiquette to follow while cutting cheese, and the method is different depending on the cheese type and shape.
Instructions here in French: couper le fromage - Karambolage - ARTE /
Instructions here in German: Wie schneidet man französischen Käse? | Karambolage | ARTE /
FOSS driver only, the choices are AMD and Intel. Nvidia is out of the picture.
Of coursenouveau drivers are still around and under active development, but as far as I know the performance if still very far from reasonable expectations.