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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 14th, 2023

  • What i’d like to add is that since updating my arch install recently, i got very weird glitches on i3wm. It’s was not very consistent, but when i watched a video or ran a game through steam it would glitch sometimes on my top monitor, and the other times on both monitors. It was very annoying to say the least. Since switching to hyprland i have had none of these issues. I read everywhere that NVIDIA and hyprland is not officially supported. It took me some time to get this running without any weird bugs, but since i did i’m very happy with it.

    The only thing i’m really missing from i3wm is the split v and split h possibilities. Somehow that is ingrained in my memory. I checked out the hy3 repo, but sadly i cannot compile this against hyprland-nvidia from aur. Trying to get a good PKGBUILD file going so i can have my sweet manual control over the splitting of windows back, so far no luck tho.

    See my post on the hy3-git aur page: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/hy3-git#comment-925302