Want more GNU in Linux, so Guix, btw. पूंजीपति will be sent to corrective labour camp.

  • 501 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 3rd, 2023

  • “Linux kernel was a blot, so here’s our new kernel, written in system-langd, compiled using systemccd using the maked build system. Normal assembly was also a blot, so we came up with sasmd. The whole hardware is a blot, so we came up with hardwared. They’re all tightly integrated. The name of the company does not vibe with our vision, so we are renaming it to ibmd. Your brain is also a blot, so here’s braind. Now you can dump that outdated, prokaryotic fleshy crap and use systemd instead.”

    Imagine what would happen if one service goes down. Fucking hell, the Armageddon is real.

  • velox_vulnus@lemmy.mltoLinux@lemmy.ml“Systemd is the future”
    22 hours ago

    Just pick a non-systemd distro instead of reinforcing this fear-mongering nonsense editorializing. I can’t tolerate corporate stooges putting their dick in our space, so I’ve switched to Guix. You have a choice, you can switch if you want to - nobody is stopping you. This way, you are also helping the maintainers and the contributors by giving them feedback.

  • Both India and Pakistan are ruled by political dynasts - the free-thinkers from Comintern warned about this before. And what do we see today? Zaradaris, Bhuttos, Gandhis, Gatkaris, you name it. The two-state theory proposed by the British failed in every state it was applied to - Israel-Palestine, East-West Germany, North-South Korea, and finally, India-Pakistan-Bangladesh.

    This is what happens when a bunch of opportunist neo-liberals start licking the boots of their foreign masters, stepping on the hard-work of the actual freedom-fighters, the real brave-hearts, who embraced the visions of anti-imperialism strongly. India should’ve never been divided, to begin with. We could have rather decentralized on the basis on linguistic identities, reducing the power of the center.

  • velox_vulnus@lemmy.mltoAsklemmy@lemmy.mlGPL + butt hole?
    2 days ago

    Hmm, interesting. I think it would be better if this was escalated to the Congress - I’ll ask my distant cousin, who’s the head of chief, responsible for monitoring people jerking off to lizards - there’s a separate department for that. As @neidu2@feddit.nl pointed out, bribe your local politician in favor of record butt-prints as a legal form of SSN identification. Now, another advantage of this political move is that this one-time image picture could be encoded to base128. This new encoded data, added with the nonce, that is, the current time and a pseudo-random string onto the blockchain. That will get them analcoin skeptics.

  • velox_vulnus@lemmy.mltoAsklemmy@lemmy.mlGPL + butt hole?
    2 days ago

    NAL, but I think it won’t be considered open-source, as it violates rule 5 of the open-source definition. What if the person does not want to share butt-hole? Doesn’t the license discriminate that people sharing butt-hole pics are only permitted to use this software? What if they don’t have a butt-hole to begin with, and use a colostomy bag? What if they shit and bleed in the same hole, cuz they were fused at birth? It is also not enforceable. What if the party in question shares their painted navel, their wrinkly skin, or their reproductive organ (foreskin tip, vaginal canal) as the butt-hole? They could also share the butthole of a dog or a horse? You will also have to issue stool samples and ass-tissue samples? I’d recommend that you consult a lawyer who specializes in shitty laws.

  • I’m not sure why you have negative connotations towards your own identity. As an Indian myself, I love Celtic culture, especially revivalism of European paganism and witch-craft as an alternative sub-culture. And well, Irish people are based cuz they were anti-imperialist back then towards European colonies, have some really fascinating history with Native Ameicans, and even today, with how most ally towards Palestine. Ireland is probably one of the few countries I see in a very positive light. Oh, and Irish Coffee looks like something I’d love to try.

  • Yes, but not a person. I was 14, coming back from school, and I saw a kitten bleed to death. I kept walking on my way to home, but it saw us, and kept following and purring at us, limping in pain, maybe asking for water and aid, after it was probably hit by a car, or bitten and thrown around by dogs. It’s flesh wasn’t gouged or anything, there wasn’t anything gory about it, but it was bleeding profusely. I did nothing, because I wasn’t able to process what happened, and continued my way back home.