• 202 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • RFK Jr has been one of the only researchers doing research on the true origins of COVID, the MRNA gene therapy pawned off as a vaccine, ‘MRNA vaccine’ side effects, the lack of COVID immunity, unable to stop transmission, etc. Though he is a politician, his research in this extremely important area of biotech INTELLIGENCE is absolutely on topic. /u/cypherpunks, who isn’t even a mod of this sub, removed the previous post without consulting or even messaging me, the posts author and the mod of this sub. Thanks for the censorship, it’s why I left Reddit.

  • Before I was suspended on Reddit, I had several unsolicited encounters with chatbots that were being tested there. Most were pretty obvious, and couldn’t carry on a conversation beyond a few exchanges. However, the techniques were quite concerning, as they all seemed to be targeting users that were known influencers, sometimes in weird echo-chambery ways. I believe it was early testing of personalized psychological warfare bots, to shape the infospace.

    Fast forward to today, and Military A.I. chatbots are likely being used to create terrorist cells using these techniques in mass, but directed at the most vulnerable amongst us: addicts, mentally disabled, etc. When China supposedly hacked Anthem, it was the first attack against the U.S. to collect as much health/mental health data on people, to create target lists.

    It’s a scaled up version of what Trump/Bannon/Nix did with Cambridge Analytica creating an incel army on Reddit during the 2016 U.S. Presidential Campaign.

  • Non-Paywalled Version

    The article says they are downsizing the psyop’s special ops folks, but where are they going? I wonder if they are just moving on to Hollywood, social media or legacy media and needed an excuse for the downsize with a nice PR spin. They’ve been slowly pushing ex-military psyops specialists into Academia for several years, but if they are going to continue to wage a psyop war against the U.S. public, then they’ll need there most experienced front line psyop warriors to do so. They were pushing them into the FBI and DHS, but the Twitter Files have exposed the corruption in the U.S. Executive Branch, when it proved the FBI and DHS were in fact telling social media to censor.

    To spice it up even more, Jim Jordan tossed his hat in for Speaker of the House. As chair of the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of Federal Government, Jordan already has a lot on his plate if he plans to actually investigate the repeated abuses of peoples 1st Amendment rights. Can he do both? Perhaps trying to draw him into a Speaker position is an attempt to weaken the Weaponization committed by dividing his time?

  • Yep, but breaks are better than nothing, and they add accessibility to the fire as well. I’m certainly not suggesting we don’t use prescribed burns as a useful too.

    My father was a hotshot crew chief for 18 years in 6 western states. He once saw a fire cyclone throw fire from one gulch to another 5 miles away in high winds. His last wildfire was the ‘let it burn’ Yellowstone fires of 2000, after which he was just too worn out and smoked out to do it anymore. Most of his crew were members of Blackfeet tribe while in Montana, and mostly Navajo in Arizona.

    Personally, I watched the Bob Marshall Wilderness (The Bob is the 5th largest wilderness in the lower 48 states) nearly burn up completely because they couldn’t get crews too it. Luckily, it didn’t affect too many people, in terms of property damage or lives lost, but what about the trillions of tons of carbon it released?

  • webdoodle@lemmy.mltoToday I Learned@lemmy.world*Permanently Deleted*
    10 months ago

    I disagree with your assessment. The Guidestones weren’t there to help society rebuild after an apocalypse. It was built to scare you into thinking an unavoidable, likely human caused, cataclysm was coming. The builders clearly infused “bad human” into it’s message when they say to keep the population under 500 Million. It’s all part of the narrative to keep people chasing the cheese at all expenses. This creates ample opportunities for someone else to get rich off your fear. It’s similar to the gold rush. Who got rich in the gold rush? The merchants.

  • webdoodle@lemmy.mltoReddit@lemmy.worldHow Not browsing reddit feels like
    10 months ago

    I’ve been Reddit free for a couple years now, after Reddit deplatformed me for planning a peaceful protest of the yearly Billionaire’s Summer Camp in Sun Valley, Idaho. It’s where Billionaires give there marching orders to the Operation Mockingbird media.

    Quitting Reddit is way harder than any other addiction I’ve experienced, because it plays on the collectivism that is hardwired into us. It’s why they peddle it to kids like the tobacco, alcohol and gambling industries before them. Get them while they are young, and there brains aren’t developed enough to build up self-control!

    It’s not just Reddit though, Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, etc, etc, etc all do the same things to varying levels. I highly encourage everyone to watch the Documovie The Social Dilema. The only way to free ourselves of this new form of digital slavery is to educate people on the dangers our such technology.

  • The Missoula County Records building is the old PepsiCo building near the Fox Club. It’s where the SWAT team stores there militarized MRAP, and the county stores it’s old records. It’s a large building, with close access to two of the major corridors: Brooks and Reserve St. It’s on the South Side of the Clark Fork River, where the majority of Missoulian’s live, unlike the main 911 center which is downtown in the Courthouse. In the event that one or more bridges were unusable (earthquake, fire, structural issues, etc), 911 operators may not be able to get to the courthouse. The Missoula Police Department built there new “South Precinct” on Catlin street for this very purpose.

  • Finally some logic. It only took all of human history to figure it out: fuel + air + spark = fire. All you have to do is remove one.

    You can’t remove air, at least not without a majority of the atmosphere blowing off into space. You can limit the spark, but you can’t eliminate things like lightning. So that leaves fuel.

    By creating breaks in the fuel system, aka, roads, they will slow the fire, and gives hand crews the ability to get to the fires quicker. Using PFAS laden foam bombers is environmentally dangerous, expensive, and concentrates our fire preparedness budgets into the hands of a few. The latter actually being the most dangerous.