WhatsApp uses the same encryption as Signal and chat screening won’t be exclusive to WhatsApp anyway, so whatever WhatsApp will need to implement to comply, Signal will have to follow.
WhatsApp uses the same encryption as Signal and chat screening won’t be exclusive to WhatsApp anyway, so whatever WhatsApp will need to implement to comply, Signal will have to follow.
Why would the users participate in moderating? That’s the job of the commercial platform holder.
People who just blindly copy and paste random commands without any transferable thinking shouldn’t use computers in the first place.
And that’s because the year of the Linux desktop was when Intel started full upstream contributions of drivers.
I use my Deck docked regularly. In desktop use I see no benefit over Fedora and alike.
You don’t recognize tracking URLs AND you comment without reading an article? That’s something…
aint harmonyos also android derivative?
Read the article before commenting guesses
Keine Ahnung, warum das auf einmal aus Berlin kommen soll. G als J kennt jeder in rheinischen Regionen seit Generationen, also auch im Sendebereich des SWR.
They promised to release a generic version of it targeting more devices in the past, and this post hints that that day is closer.
This post says that Valve is talking about hardware by Valve partners with SteamOS developed in collaboration with these partners. It says nothing about it being generic.
I’ve been feeling for a while now that Nvidia’s more recent approaches to open source drivers has been encouraged by their background talks with Valve,
A GPL-compliant kernel module is a legal requirement when shipping a product combining a Linux OS with Nvidia drivers. NVidia actually used a modified Nouveau kernel module for Tegra hardware because of that but weirdly insisted that their proprietary kernel module needs to be used for x86 Nividia drivers. You could not legally ship a car where the computing architecture is an x86 CPU + an NVidia GPU with the older proprietary kernel module.
The apple thing wasn’t about apple vs android for a monopoly. It was about how there’s no alternative option on ios for purchasing apps.
Nobody in the EU would have cared if the commercial app market wasn’t dominated by Apple. Plenty of devices out there don’t let you install random stuff off the internet but if the market dominance isn’t there, the EU won’t care.
Does the image have a source?
Yes, the image has a source and everything is detailed in the lower part of the image.
Also I don’t think just revenue some us the only Barometer for a monopoly. If something has very few users but had really high prices that they’re willing to pay for them by your metric they’d be closer to a monopoly than steam
But that’s exactly why the EU classified Apple as digital gatekeeper: iPhones have a lower installed base than Android in the EU but higher spending.
Given the massive popularity of Fortnite, I wouldn’t bet if Steam has a higher installed base than EGS. People just prefer to buy on Steam.
Dude, I embedded the source right in the comment you’ve replied to. 🤦
Aren’t we all supposed to be against monopolies, steam needs competition
Steam is not a monopoly. The vast majority of PC gaming revenue is made outside Steam. Fortnite: EGS only, not on Steam. Minecraft: own web storefront and Microsoft Store, not on Steam. Roblox: I think it has its own storefront, it’s not on Steam.
Steam has an estimated revenue of 8.6bn out of PC gaming’s overall 45bn. It’s very far from even approaching 50%, let alone surpass it.
I don’t mind other storefronts. What I mind is people spreading the false narrative as if one of the most widely installed storefronts (EGS because of Fortnite) is somehow the little underdog.
No, Steam games do not have DRM by default. By default Steam is a mere download manager. For Steam DRM to be applied, the publisher has to run the drm_wrap command: https://partner.steamgames.com/doc/features/drm
Feel free to use SteamCMD: https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/SteamCMD
Where do you get those lies from? I’d kinda get it if Steam’s documentation for publishers was behind a NDA wall but it’s public.
Bist du der einzige Mensche in deinem Unternehmen?
So manche Flitzpiepen loszusein, wäre definitiv eine Verbesserung und so mancher Kater ist auch definitiv weniger schädlich für die Gesundheit als der andauernde Stress, den Arbeit verursacht.
Deine Verpflichtung aus deinem Arbeitsvertrag ist nun mal Teil deines Soziallebens.
Nö. Es ist Teil meines Wirtschaftslebens.
Woher wissen Krankenkassen überhaupt, wer wegen eines Katers ausfällt?
Wenn du einen Arbeitsvertrag hast, hast du dich verpflichtet arbeiten zu gehen.
Du bist derjenige, der Verpflichtungen auf der Arbeit mit Sozialleben gleichgesetzt hat.
Das selbe Argument greift auch, wenn du wegen deines Katers deine Kinder oder pflegebedürftige Eltern vernachlässigst.
Pflege von Familienmitgliedern (die man in der Arbeitszeit eh nicht ausübt), ist auch kein Sozialleben.
Wenn überhaupt, kann man Alkoholismus bei sozialen Ereignissen eher überspielen. Dann hat man halt ein Bier oder einen Wein in der Hand, während man sich mit anderen unterhält. Wer “im Training” ist, funktioniert nach ein paar mehr Bier auch noch sehr gut.
Then you’re in a weird bubble. Nearly everyone uses it. I do. I hate it, I think its usability is bad, why can I only link four devices, etc.