It’s amazing to see that there are still people lacking basic technical knowledge to use ad blockers, even in the year 2024.
It’s amazing to see that there are still people lacking basic technical knowledge to use ad blockers, even in the year 2024.
The guide mentions that the phone doesn’t have a wired connection, but couldn’t you just plug in an external USB ethernet adapter. Would be curious if anybody has tried this.
In general, I really find that this is an underappreciated use for old phones. There’s an advantage over using something like RPI since you have a touchscreen built in, making it much easier to troubleshoot without having to plug in a monitor and a keyboard. Meanwhile, the battery can act as a built in UPS. Given how abundant old phones are, seems like it would be cool to make an Android distro specifically designed for this use case. Especially if you could plug in a USB hub for stuff like external storage. This could be a home server, music player, etc.
Exactly, the system works as designed.
I love how this turned out to be the event that united Americans across pretty much all demographics.
Yeah I think even he knows that this would be the end of him, hence why he’s been dragging his feet on that.
It’s very likely they’re gonna keep Zelensky around to push through mobilization of teenagers which is massively unpopular, and then they’ll shuffle him out.
Ukraine once again exposes that all these slogans, like democracy and human rights, are completely meaningless. It’s all just a narrative to justify western interests.
That’s my impression as well, seems like there’s game of thrones happening behind the scenes. The US appears to be backing Zelensky while UK is pushing Zaluzhny.
Ah yes, The Spectator, one of the most rabidly anti-Russian publications, have all of a sudden adopted a pro-Russian narrative. It’s quite something to witness libs react when their ideological bubble is burst. 🤡
thanks for the tip, definitely gonna check it out now
Somehow that slipped under my radar!
It’s plenty unreasonable because implies that workers who are very clearly underpaid somehow share equal responsibility here, or that they need to cave in because it’s inconveniencing people.
I mean they really are gonna have to be wonder weapons given that UK can’t even produce steel anymore. Hard to make regular weapons that way.
It’s amazing how people are just utterly incapable of learning from past experience. Every commercial service that has become popular started out being good, that’s how they build the user base. Once they hit a critical mass where network effects keep people on the service, that’s when enshittification starts. Bluesky might stay good for a year, two, maybe even a decade, but sooner or later it will do the same thing every other oligarch owned platform does.
US isn’t doing conscription though, back during Vietnam invasion people weren’t cool with the draft either. The Ukrainian regime is resisting because they know it might actually be the final straw that topples them.
I think this approach is a step towards building genuine AI that encodes a world model that’s used as a basis for actions and decision making. This is qualitatively different from just having a glorified Markov chain that spits out text tokens.
No way this could’ve happened with US approval.
It’s true, but as Lenin points out, what matters is building power in systemic fashion. Random acts of violence on their own aren’t going to change the system. In my opinion, “Left-Wing” Communism: an Infantile Disorder is an absolute must read because it addresses the question of how to build power effectively, as well as what methods to use and when
I get why it exists, but yeah it’s more trouble than it’s worth in most cases.
Oh yeah good point with the battery cycling.