• buttfarts
    4 months ago

    Totally not because the whole world industrialized and modern medicine made its way into China. This trend could be in spite of Mao and not because of him.

    Correlation does not equal causation.

    • isa41@lemm.ee
      4 months ago

      The industrial revolution had already long since happened, dipshit. I wonder why at that very specific fucking time, China was finally able to industrialize the way that countries exploiting it already had. HMMM. Why might that come about then? Better put on my big thinking cap about that one.

      “and modern medicine made its way into China.”

      HUH? Wow, I wonder why it made it’s way into China right then? What a WACKY coincidence!

      This trend could be in spite of Mao and not because of him.

      Mao was following (and building upon) Marxism-Leninism which among other things is a science that predicts how industrialization occurs and can be used as a roadmap for how to achieve it. The fact that Mao followed and forged this roadmap with the stated intent to do so and that expected result happened is not a “trend in spite of” literally the policies you can look up that he (and the CPC) implemented with the purpose of achieving that very thing. (I’m facepalming so hard rn).

      Correlation does not equal causation.

      No, but you know what? Causation does equal causation, like when someone says “I’m going to throw this ball” and you watch them throw a ball, you can be pretty confident that the ball is moving through the air because their throwing it, which they said they were going to do and you saw them do, caused that to happen. Nah, it must be some other hidden corollary that is the reason the ball suddenly left their hand and moved through the air. Frankly it’s embarrassing to see someone trying to come up with excuses to hand wave away the obvious fucking truth that is right there and plain for anyone and everyone to see, at least anyone who isn’t frantically putting up blinders to try to protect their bullshit worldview.