Been thinking of setup a nice box to handle most of my things:
J4125 with a pci-ex 2x Intel nic, 16gb ram, Pico Psu 120W
3x8TB with mergerfs and snapraid nightly jobs
OS: Alpine linux (I’m not a proxmox fan tbh) in data mode with a usb ssd as package cache.


  • scrutiny
  • uptimekuma
  • watchtower
  • jellyfin
  • qbittorrent
  • shoko+shokofin
  • radarr
  • sonarr
  • jackett
  • tachidesk
  • wireguard
  • authelia
  • vaultwarden
  • jellystat
  • home assistant
  • cloudflared
  • nextcloud
  • photoprism

1 pfsense VM with pcie nic passed through to handle my internet and motherboard lan dedicated to management.

My internet is 1gbit symmetric fiber.

Been bugging me that maybe the raw power isn’t enough to handle all the load (not worried about dockers but mostly quality of my pfsense vm)

Thanks in advance

    10 months ago

    Pfsense, home assistant and Jellyfin (depending on how many concurrent watchers and/or transcode) can hit your memory quite hard. If you get all of this running you will basically lock yourself into running this and nothing else.

    My rule of thumb is to set a security of 2. If I estimate 16gb of ram peak I’ll go for 32.

    As for CPU/PSU, in the same ballpark have you looked at getting something like a laptop? That way you have the integrated UPS and KVM.