I’ve heard it explained that “hey” used to be more of an urgent way to get someone’s attention, rather than a casual “hello” like it is now, so it sounded rude to some older folks.
I’ve heard it explained that “hey” used to be more of an urgent way to get someone’s attention, rather than a casual “hello” like it is now, so it sounded rude to some older folks.
I’m sure you believe that, because anyone who doesn’t fit a certain mold should be ridiculed. F**k off with that logic.
If they mold they refuse to fit is “being a decent human being” then yeah, they should be ridiculed.
But see, that’s the thing. Who are you, or anyone else for that matter, to tell me or anyone else what being a decent human being is?
If I say I don’t like trans people, that doesn’t make me a bad person, that makes me a person with their own, valid opinion. Or If I say I don’t give a damn what happens to them, that’s not being callous, that’s me, not giving a f**k about people I’ll never meet. I’m sorry but virtue signaling isn’t my thing.
You not giving a damn about what happens to them literally does make you callous. You being a bigot literally does make you a bad person. For decent people this isn’t virtue signaling. Not all opinions are valid.
If I say my opinion is valid, it is. I don’t need approval from strangers to make it so.
Preach tolerance, yet are intolerant of anyone who doesn’t share your beliefs. GTFO with that nonsense.
Its not nonsense. Its the way society works. You want to be a terrible person then expect to be treated like a terrible person. It’s like a person going around shooting people complaining that the police shot him in response.
What’s nonsense is the criteria you think you can hold people to.
Disliking trans people doesn’t equate to being bigoted or a “terrible person”, and not having sympathy or empathy for people I am not particularly happy with, doesn’t make me callous, it makes me human.
You can spin it however you like, but that’s the reality.
Look up the definition of callous. You already self identified as a bigot. There is no spin here. You are just a terrible person that thinks you’re entitled to be tolerated while you don’t tolerate others.
How’s the view from atop that high horse your riding? Save your preaching for someone who will fall for it. I said I dislike them, I said nothing about tolerating them. I will tolerate anyone, I just don’t have to accept them. Stop putting words in my mouth to suit your clearly skewed narrative, just like you did in the last comment. Comparing me to a shooter, yikes.