So GTA VI is rumored to have a trans girl as a main character
On the one had, ok I don’t mind. On the other, I have a strong suspicion that shit’s going to hit the fan.
I am concerned specifically about the state of modern gaming as a whole and how it can cripple any potential Lucia has.
The only people saying she’s trans are Neo-Nazis.
She looks like an average cis woman. Bog standard.
Oh, so it’s one of those things. Where they looked at a trailer and examined the frames closely and determined that her jawline is 3/10ths of a mm too thick to be truly feminine and therefore GTA is now a part of the woke agenda and they ruined it. That’s a shame.
It’s not even that. She’s just gotten released from prison so she’s slightly muscular and lean. That’s it, that’s all.
Because she doesn’t look like an ultra bimbo with 25 pounds of makeup and anime body proportions, she must be trans.
Oh right, I forgot that these guys think that women don’t have muscles and are just made of jello.
Hey comrade, I know you didn’t meant harm but your use of “normal” here implies trans people aren’t normal, it’s better to use the word “cis” instead.
Ah, I meant more from appearance. As in if this person walked by you in real life, you wouldn’t give it a second though that “Oh, that’s a woman”.
But I get what you’re saying.
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I generally think games like those should have character creation. With mandatory pronouns and trans options though, we can’t forget to stir the chuds as it is good and proper thing to do.
Saints Row* kiiiiiiiiiiiiiinda has this. Good cc and play a girl and you’re canon trans (tho it’s just people saying wow the boss sure looks really different since the last game)
- 2 3 4 Gat outta hell, not the new one
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Can’t work in GTA because the story is clearly defined and can’t work for any character like, say, Skyrim or Fallout.
GTA SA can only work with a black protagonist, 4 with a slav, etc
They could write the game like that and define the story for any character, it wouldn’t suddenly stop being GTA.
The gameplay would still be GTA but the type of story would be totally different
So? Seems you are arguing for something really minor.
I think their point is that you’re giving up a lot of story potential by having to work around the player being a customizable character with no characteristics set in stone, they can’t really be characters as much as they’re just player stand-ins, which is a problem for a game like GTA where the player character is a well-defined, fleshed out character where various things about them matter a lot in the story, like Niko Bellic in GTA IV being from Eastern Europe and having fought in a war for example
Yeah i know that they mean that, but i still do not see how it is a problem outside of small formula change.
just to be clear the “rumor” is that one guy on reddit went “they have a female lead, they are now woke, i bet shes trans”.
The same transphobes rn will download a twerk mod the moment they buy the game
There’s no other hand. Trans representation in the media is good. What is this gamer gate take?
I think the worry is that the character will basically fulfill every CHUD stereotype about trans people and be nothing but harmful representation.
[CW transphobia] I brought this before but GTA V had a transphobia issue
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
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You missed what I said.
The issue is that media in general - and by extension queer media and triple A games - has declined since the mid 2010s to early 2020s. The biggest reason being disjointed story executions, the main concern of the post.
Why do I hold GTA VI to such a high standard? It’s because the GTA franchise is not only one of the greatest game franchises to exist but also one of the greatest PROGRESSIVE game franchises to exist - especially San Andreas - GTA is literally making fun of US society similar to Warhammer 40K. The inclusion of a queer protag is a great addition in my opinion.
This is especially important given this: GTA V%2C one of,to sexual encounters with men.
Yeah, that’s valid. I just took it as “they might do it wrong, so maybe they just shouldn’t have done it at all”, my fault.
so maybe they just shouldn’t have done it at all
Nope. I never said they shouldn’t do it. I was voicing my concerns about how the state of media and Triple A gaming today can cripple Lucia’s potential.
… You are so ridiculous.
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There’s nothing wrong with rans ppl in media
shit’s going to hit the fan
What do you mean by this?
I think what OP means is that the alt-reich gaming community will eventually have a shitfit of epic proportions because of this.
That already happened. I am talking about something else.
GTA VI falling victim to the problems Triple A Gaming has nowadays - namely disjointed story executions, terrible gameplay, and technical issues - which can cripple any potential Lucia has.
Imo your take is “meh” at worst
Ok. I am just concerned about how the state of modern gaming can affect Lucia’s character.
I would prefer if they didn’t try to hit too many wickets at once. Let’s just prioritize making the game fun before bloating with too much representation.
We haven’t even seen anything from the gameplay. And what an easy scapegoat this is. If the game sucks, people will be like ‘yeahhhh see we shouldn’t have women as main characters it sucks’.
It’s extremely funny to see people have a meltdown as soon as their muscular heterosexual male protagonist gets swapped for something else.
Exactly. That’s why it’s important to have good ganeplay.
I would love it better if representation and gameplay complement each other.
Representation should be a bonus to an already good game.
think about what u said for a minute, representation should not be an afterthought, media should show the diversity of the society that made it or atleast the society its trying to depict first and foremost because it should be something that should not even have to be thought about. “representation” should be the starting position, otherwise u are saying that straight white male is the default and anything other than that would be the producers of the media going out of their way to add representation.
Ok, understood. The point I was trying to make is how a diverse society is executed in terms of storytelling still matters at the end of the day, the original Last Airbender being the best example of such.
I am actually learning to draw manga and POC history so I can hopefully contribute to it.
How is this controversial? Representation - much like cinematic graphics - means nothing if the game/media piece is seriously flawed in its execution. Take a look at Star Wars Episodes VII - IX, they have female lead and cinematic visuals - both are good - but the writing sucked, which is bad.
Here’s a piece of media that I know of which has an asexual as the main protagonist and whose visuals became more and more cinematic over time, which I consider the GOAT of queer media - ONE PIECE. Oda’s storytelling is a cornerstone of being one of the GOATs of all anime.
Why did this comment get downvoted? I thought games are supposed to be fun. Representation doesn’t make up for bad game design.
The GTA games allow gamers to choose who they want to be in the game. Sometimes they can’t do that in real life so it is enjoyable to have that persona in the game world.
To use terms/phrases like bloat and too many wickets, downplays this as a fundamental feature of the games. And it treats this feature as something that should be de-prioritized because it’s not “fun” for the chuds and it’s even taking the fun away.
I donvoted cuz representation isn’t a thing. It isnt ‘making up’ for anything. It doesn’t take time away from programming “fun” in. Everything op said was such an insipid, cataclysmically bad take that my finger hit the down arrow in self-defense, lest i be infected by his brainworm.
the very idea that it could is such a ridiculous assumption, it needs lots and lots of downvotes to help future posters understand just how bad a take it is. This could even help insure better posts can be made in the future by better people.
Representation doesn’t make up for bad game design.
It’s getting downvoted because the two are completely unrelated, making one of the main characters a woman has no impact on how the gameplay is designed, it’s certainly not a case where you can “prioritize” one over the other because it’s not like representation takes time away from the rest of development
Also, we have no idea what the gameplay is like, so the comment just sounds like it’s assuming that the gameplay must be bad because it has representation which is utter nonsense
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Obviously the basic formula is gonna be the same, but we don’t know nearly as much about the specifics to just assume that there’s bad game design in it this early
Or better yet, make them go hand-in-hand.