• 29 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: October 25th, 2022

  • ComradeSalad@lemmygrad.mltoGenZedong@lemmygrad.mlOn Trans rights in China
    5 hours ago

    Not in the state of marriage.

    This is disappointing, especially since same-sex couples are not allowed to marry. They are essentially purposefully and cruelly soft locking a person out of marriage entirely.

    The requirement for sexual reassignment surgery to legally change genders is also disappointing, since that can possibly do more harm then good, as a significant portion of transgender individuals either do not want to complete a full course of reassignment surgery, such as only doing a mastectomy but not bottom surgery as a trans man; or do not want to undergo any surgery at all. So forcing the person to undergo surgery and become dysphoric with their body, or give up hope it legally changing their gender is disappointing.

    Hopefully the sex change surgery requirement is dropped soon, Japan dropped a similar law in the Fall of 2023. Same goes for the marriage requirement.

    Received psychological and psychiatric treatment for at least 1 year prior to the surgery and is ineffective.

    That is also a very gross requirement. Psychiatric analysis is vital, but trying to be “treated” by a psychologist for a year to even be considered transgender is backwards.

  • This is almost if not exclusively an American problem. It could serve as an excuse for the US, but my org is constantly promoting healthy forms of leisure for the youth because we have plenty of activities to do around yet we still have kids on their PCs who don’t leave their rooms unless necessary. There has to be more than that to it.

    Sadly this has impacted a significant number of countries, and while I used an American example since it is more understandable, an identical problem exists in Belarus as I have seen firsthand. If you are outside of Minsk, and a few select cities, you are shit out of luck when it comes to transportation, unless you can borrow your dedushkas old Vlada. I would even take the chance and say that this problem affects anyone not fortunate enough to find themselves within a city or urban area, at the very least a suburban area with good public transport. That still leaves out billions of people. Good public transport outside of majority cities and towns is virtually unheard of in vast portions of the world.

    I don’t know about the voosh subreddit but 4chan has a +18 age requirement and outing yourself as a minor will get you banned. This post’s inspiration was partly on realizing that this site doesn’t have a measure that a place as godforsaken as 4chan does get right.

    4Chan only has that requirement because they distribute pornography and are forced to include that as part of their TOS by law. That’s the same reason that all porn websites and Reddit make you state that you are over 18 when trying to access sexually explicit materials. I doubt any of them would bother if that was not a mandatory regulation by US law.

    By extension, Lemmy, and Lemmygrad do not distribute pornography, with that being against the TOS, and thusly are not forced to include age verification.

  • The edit makes sense, but I would go back to my first comment and just say that I would rather a 12 year old be here then other parts of the internet. 4chan and the Vaush subreddit are cesspits with no age requirement, and for what goes on here with minor memeing, news, and theory discussions, I don’t see all that much that could be harmful to a minor.

    For example, in all three of the examples you listed for harmful content, the admins have taken a good position and eliminated the source of the problem. The Shining Path is lambasted as a horrific and atrocious terrorist group, and that one poster that came here from his pro-Shining path website was banned within a few days; the anti-psychiatry sub has been banned multiple times and the people associated with it have similarly been removed, and the soyjacks aren’t nearly as bad as what can be found elsewhere.

    Also a lot of people don’t have anything else to really be doing. Spending time away from the internet is vital, but it is a core component of a modern person’s life, and some people are restricted by their societal status, finances, or geography from participating in activities outside of the internet. Even if someone is privileged enough to live in a nice house in the American suburbs, what are they supposed to do without a car? Everything is 10-15 minutes away by car with zero bike or pedestrian access, so they’re stuck at home. Same goes for less fortunate individuals.

    I would argue that the elimination of third spaces, and the inability to go anywhere unless you have a car is the entire reason behind why GenZ focused on the internet so much, there’s quite literally little else to do.

  • All websites have that stipulation because of US federal law and EU law, and so that the website cannot be sued for liability. Lemmy already has this as a part of their TOS, so lemmygrad adding something is ultimately meaningless and not useful.

    Also there is nothing to sue. Lemmygrad isn’t an independent entity, but a part of lemmy, which the entire purpose of which is to be decentralized without a massive backing LLC.

    Also websites where minors are banned usually comes from federal law surrounding access to pornography, and federal law surrounding child labour, taxes, signing legally binding contracts, and child exploitation; none of which are really relevant to Lemmy or Lemmygrad.

  • There would be absolutely zero way to enforce this.

    Everyone has met extremely immature adults with the mind of a 14 year old, and 14 year olds far more mature then their age. Unless the admins begin asking for IDs, or some form of verification picture, that rule would never be feasibly enforced. You say that the admins could use their collective judgment, but all that amounts to is “vibes-based policing” unless someone outright states their age.

    Honestly I’d rather a minor be on here then on 4chan or vast portions of Reddit.

  • This is what entrance exams were made to do by design. This isn’t a bug.

    They are entirely designed to lock out students who can’t afford to pay the absurd costs of test prep, while pushing through those students who’s parents could afford tutors that cost severs thousand dollars a month.

    A prime example is the LSAT exam in the US for law school.

    The exam is graded on a scale of 120-180, with a score above 175 being virtually unheard of due to the difficulty of the exam. Before, a good performance in undergrad combined with a score of at least 150-160 could guarantee you a spot in an top law school. However nowadays, scores have entered a horrific cycle of inflation that to get into any middling or top law school, a score in the high 170s is required, which is absurd. Anything below that is essentially a failure. A score that only 15-20 years ago would be the mark of a savant, has been relegated to only those who have the money to pay for test prep, and the privilege of the luxury of stress free time to study.

    Of course; this works to the advantage of the top law schools as they get to isolate the wealthiest for admission, but how many have been locked out of a good law education due to their life circumstances?

    Further, what kind of lawyers will those wealthy students become? Statistically they will become corporate “big law” lawyers with extremely high salaries. Leading to mass shortages in public defenders, workers rights workers, and civil rights lawyers. Essentially those who protect the poorest and most oppressed members of society, while simultaneously threatening capital.

  • The cause of the shortage has nothing to do with the pre degree required. It is entirely the limited space in medschools and the arbitrary lottery system of the accrediting body, which is corrupt.

    The point of half the classes in undergrad is to allow those doctors to branch out and not just be single minded careerists. Those classes are supposed to make them think, experience new viewpoints, broaden their perspectives, and develop them as people. Not taking those classes has the same reasoning as the compsci and engineer students who whine and moan about being forced to take ethics or humanities courses.

    Also taking basic biology, anatomy, and chemistry as part of medschool would be extremely inefficient, and the predegree builds a basic level of knowledge that doctors should have going into medschool.

    Also of a person stops wanting to be a doctor in undergrad, they can easily switch over, as opposed to your trade school idea which would lock them into a single grouping of career paths unless they drop out.

  • There is no such thing as a “perfect” communist. Not to mention you cannot choose your family.

    Fidel’s family owned a massive plantation and owned servants. Mao’s family were incredibly wealthy capitalists, and so forth.

    What matters most if your actions. Not the actions of others. Merely associating with a family member who works in the Home office is not some horrific sin. It’s not like she’s a devout Neo-Nazi or something akin to that.