Hi, I wanted to ask about the police here. I tried to ask for help yesterday, when we wanted to report a thief. I had to call 114 multiple times, because they were busy and asked me to call back… the third time when they asked me to call back again, I told them I’ve been told the same twice before. So they finally talk with me, and tell me they can’t do anything, because we didn’t see the person actually stealing & I have to report it online. We had the thief nearby for the whole time I tried to get a hold of them, but nothing.
I am from Eastern-Europe, where police gets paid less and isn’t as praised as here, but when I want to report something, they immediately do the paperwork and try to help. Why is it so different here? Do I really pay this high amount of tax to be told to report stuff online? Which, by the time I get home and get to sit down in front of my computer to actually report it, is a lost cause.
I am really not sure and been wondering, because this was my first experience here with police, and it was a bit upsetting. Especially the part when they ask me to call back, not even once haha.
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The original was posted on /r/denmark by /u/tinasdf at 2023-07-26 08:20:47+00:00.
kas-sol at 2023-07-26 10:54:49+00:00 ID:
Police here are generally useless and passive at best, and actively harmful at worst. You’re better off just ignoring them and hoping they ignore you too so you can avoid the ones who are actively hostile towards civilians.
Don’t bother trying to get them do to any work, just go directly to your insurance, they’re more likely to actually be doing anything to help you.
vDreamWalker at 2023-07-26 12:37:33+00:00 ID:
Im confused. If you didnt actually see the person stealing, how Can you be sure you had the thief nearby?
Parkourkoen at 2023-07-26 12:26:35+00:00 ID:
Police are not here to help but to protect the elite :) but yes report get paperwork and refund
TractorDriver at 2023-07-26 17:28:41+00:00 ID:
Really depends when you live and extremely much when you call it in. Some districts are stretched thin as hell, for example weekend evenings in Aarhus. Smalle rural areas are better, much more friendly neighbour spiderman experience. If you were holding thief down they would come straight, some random ghetto dude wandering around with suspicious goods will just disappear into thin air, would need multiple patrols. Same with scooter retards on walking paths, they are uncatchable
BroderMibran at 2023-07-26 10:58:57+00:00 ID:
Well, according to the danish police themselves, they are underfunded and are in great need of more staff, so for this reason they have to prioritize only big cases like gang crime, bank robbery, terrorisme or murder and of course trafic regulation which seems to be a rather large income in tickets and fines for them supposely…
Of course they might occasionally look at other crimes such as burglary, but it seems they merely just collect evidence and then the case more or less is archived thereafter, at least so it seems.
But then again you often hear about how bad the police are at their job and all those cases where you either could not be helped or did not receive help, and less frequently hear about those cases where they actually caught the fellow…
There just isn’t as good a story in such. Danes seems to be glad whenever they have something to complain about, and as a Dane I can say this is often the case actually…
weed1031 at 2023-07-26 10:13:10+00:00 ID:
If something os urgent and happening in front of your eyes Call 112 and over exaggerate usually helps
Soepoelse123 at 2023-07-26 10:45:35+00:00 ID:
If you’re close to the thief, you can take a photo and report in to the police through their online forms. Bedsides from that they won’t really send out a police car for small scale theft.
InternationalMany198 at 2023-07-26 09:58:49+00:00 ID:
If you didn’t see the person stealing, how do you know they actually stole something? I don’t blame the police for not wanting to show up to a maybe thief, they have better things to do.
CraneDJs at 2023-07-26 17:28:41+00:00 ID:
Welcome to Denmark where all cops are bastards. In my almost 40 years I’ve never met a cop that was a public servant as much as a public paid hatemonger.
SmolleDK at 2023-07-26 10:41:44+00:00 ID:
We, unfortunately, had a break-in during our summer vacation. I wanted to report it as soon as we realized, after returning home, so I called 114. There was a machine message saying that you could report theft online, so I thought: “Okay, I’ll get things settled at home and then report it.”
An hour or so later, when I wanted to report it online, I checked the police’s website and my understanding from reading the instructions there was still that I had to call 114, so I did.
Unlike what a lot of people here seem to report, I had a very pleasant experience from that point on. The woman who answered my call was very pleasant and understanding of our situation and gave clear and precise instructions about what we had to do. She also had a patrol drop by to secure evidence and they showed up less than 10 minutes after I ended the call with 114.
The two officers that showed up arrived in a van that was clearly equipped with the gear they needed to secure evidence after theft. The officers were, just as their colleague answering the phone, very pleasant, friendly and understanding of the situation. They were honest about that it would be difficult to find the person who did the break-in, but they still took a lot of pictures and even tried to secure some DNA-evidence, despite us (probably) having contaminated at least parts of it. None of it felt rushed, or like a ‘routine task’. It felt like they cared and took their time to make sure we had no unanswered questions.
I know that it’s obviously not going to be the same for everyone, but I just wanted to bring a positive story about the police’s effort. I know that it’s very unlikely that they’ll ever catch the burglar, and it’s equally unlikely that we’ll get the stolen goods back, but in an unfortunate situation like the one we were in, it was a very nice and professional effort from the police. It somehow felt safer to know that they were ready to show up.
EquipmentStandard853 at 2023-07-26 15:58:18+00:00 ID:
may I ask in what region you had this incidence?
SmolleDK at 2023-07-26 16:03:40+00:00 ID:
It falls under Københavns Vestegns Politi. We live in a pretty traditional Danish “parcelhus” in the suburbs.
SoftwareDue7183 at 2023-07-26 23:38:50+00:00 ID:
I have the same experience.
3 times in ten years someone trying to do a break in our house.
Police here to secure finger prints within 15 minutes.
Last time another house on the road had a break in, they even stopped by, and secured video clips from my security cameras.
They called back a few days later and was unfortunate to learn, that I wasn’t using Sentry Mode on my Tesla at the time so they couldn’t get evidence from it.
Also Vestegnens Politi.
claviro888 at 2023-07-26 11:02:03+00:00 ID:
I was in a park in Gentofte where i met a cop in full uniform asking me if i’ve seen a brown dog… they have time for that shit, but not theft….
BarnabasDK-1 at 2023-07-26 10:01:19+00:00 ID:
You are witnessing the danish so called well fare state that keeps getting more and more expensive and producing less and less results.
Aside from paperwork of cause.
BarnabasDK-1 at 2023-07-26 10:01:55+00:00 ID:
I belive the name is
“New Public Management”
larholm at 2023-07-26 09:55:45+00:00 ID:
Indholdet er fjernet. Fra vores regler:
Personangreb, alt-spekulation, chikane-tagging samt irrelevant henvisning til historik er ikke tilladt.
Har du spørgsmål eller kommentarer til dette, kan du skrive en besked til os igennem modmail.
Alarming-Till-8514 at 2023-07-26 08:44:38+00:00 ID:
Du ved jo godt hvad han mener
OtteLoc at 2023-07-26 08:45:15+00:00 ID:
Hvad fabler du om? Jeg svarer på det han mener og skriver.
Alarming-Till-8514 at 2023-07-26 08:52:18+00:00 ID:
Jeg har aldrig hørt nogen brokke sig over oplevelser med politiet, som ikke selv har været på kant med loven. Så langt hen af vejen kan jeg godt følge tanken “dårlige kunder giver dårlig service”. Derudover er det tydeligt, endda bare her på skrift, at du eskalerer ting helt enormt. Han kommer med en vinkel på sagen, og du føler dig straks ramt og kalder ham en idiot? Hmmm…
TheBendit at 2023-07-26 10:37:06+00:00 ID:
De to gange i mit liv jeg har ringet 112 endte med ingen hjælp.
OtteLoc at 2023-07-26 08:56:33+00:00 ID:
Igen, politiet har ikke kunder. Du kan ikke sammenligne det med detailhandlen, der er ingen kunde og sælger struktur her, der er ikke en kunde som kan blive ked af det eller trådt på af noget vedr. et produkt eller pris, det er kun hvis politiet helt overvejende har forsømt eller forskelsbehandlet pågældende borger, som ikke er i orden. Politiets virke er sat i stand for at hjælpe borgere i retssamfund. Det giver nul mening at se det på den måde du prøver på.
Det var dog en meget subjektiv vurdering, det må du jo om. Der er intet som bliver eskaleret her, påpeg det gerne?
ditlevrisdahl at 2023-07-26 08:51:31+00:00 ID:
Bare fra denne korte tråd forstår jeg godt hvorfor politiet ikke magter dig 😂 god dag.
OtteLoc at 2023-07-26 08:52:50+00:00 ID:
Hvad baserer du det på? Tænker du at jeg forudindtaget vælger at være fortørnet over politiets opførsel før jeg har oplevet den, ej vel.
Lincolnonion at 2023-07-26 17:53:21+00:00 ID:
btw, if you have any other types of crimes… just my two cents as Eastern European.
just saying, but when a man touched my boob and sprinted away in Utterslevmose, I went to central station to submit a rapport.
In a while, they sent me a letter in ebox that they went to the place and if I want to apply for compensation.