Neither of those things are true, but I think my phone port might be frying them. I already had to return 1 Pixel 7 Pro for a dead port that burned up a cable on its way out.
Have you tried using a different charger? What about your other devices? Do you have issues with them? I wonder if the charger is what is damaging them.
Your limb has snapped, and you are injured.
Neither of those things are true, but I think my phone port might be frying them. I already had to return 1 Pixel 7 Pro for a dead port that burned up a cable on its way out.
Have you tried using a different charger? What about your other devices? Do you have issues with them? I wonder if the charger is what is damaging them.
It might be the charger. It’s a 30w, 5amp charger from Costco.