The labels have the character’s name followed by 受 (uke), which means being the receptive or passive partner, or in BL slang means the bottom. Most underrated organizational system ever by the way. Please show this to anyone who claims that “unwoke” Japan doesn’t “shoehorn queerness into everything”.
“The country that’s been drawing women with penises for decades has suddenly been infiltrated by the LGBT” is an absolute nonsense take. Most Japanese people support gay marriage being legalized, the country just isn’t democratic in any meaningful way.
futanari stuff is often transphobic, but like. it’s undeniably not cishet in nature
Oh, so now the woke left are going to claim that futanari porn is queer?
Can’t a straight man not enjoy huge penises in peace anymore? Smh.
i know a lot of heterosexual men who like dick. genuinely, not a bit. straight guys are constantly whacking it to removed porn and then being transphobic to anyone who’s a little clocky. and that doesn’t make them bisexual or anything, they’re still cishet
I fully admit to being ignorant but in my mind being a guy and being attracted to dicks is somewhere on the spectrum of sexuality towards being gay or at least not “completely” hetero. Is the current definition self identification or something else I’m missing?
a lot of straight guys are really into trans women
Yeah I feel like not caring can be straight but specifically being all about dick is less straight
Is anatomy inherently gendered?
I mean… A little bit yeah
Howso & why?
It depends, like if I only like people with full on masculine features I’m a pretty standard gay man, if I only like people with feminine features I’m probably straight, and then it starts to break down in the middle, unless I don’t care about certain features, but there isn’t a hard line. Regardless of what specific person I am attracted to, I feel like if all I can think about is getting all up in a thick beard then I’m probably somewhere in the middle. I guess it’s all about the things that specifically are important to someone
“In the middle” shouts to the gender binary. I find it interesting that you acknowledge sexuality as being highly personal and deeply complicated, yet view it through a simple binary. Not that I broadly disagree with what you’ve said, fwiw
The wokies have always got to stick their noses in and make everything political.