This is the most tone deaf decision. Missing shipping quotas, Cybertruck recall/delivery halt, cancellation of the Model 2, laying off 10% of your employees and what does all of this equate to in the eyes of the Board of Directors? Firing the CEO that caused most of these problems? FUCK NO let’s double down and prioritize an outlandishly large payday for Elon. Fucking hell this is ridiculous.
Wtf they cancelled the affordable model 2?
After laying off 10% of Tesla’s workforce.
Guess we’re about to see how stupid the shareholders are.
He really needs the money.
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Nobody really talks about Kimbal, he’s the one pulling the strings.
I would more define Kimbal as cog in the clock of Elon. Everyone focuses on Elon, the face, but the true time keepers are the rest of the Musk family, Kimbal being one of those cogs.