Because it’s an obvious joke to make?
Do you think I posted the same post twice with two accounts or something? To what end?
Because it’s an obvious joke to make?
Do you think I posted the same post twice with two accounts or something? To what end?
As long as it’s not the Galveston area. Same issue there.
Believe it or not, I don’t pay attention to every single post in every single community in which I post just in case I post an image that was posted before. Especially not in a community with dozens of posts a day. I can’t even do that with communities I moderate.
Correct. I will deflect when someone ignores the existence of multiple genocides in favor of pointing fingers and rehashing a months-old election.
What have you done about any genocide? Joined any human rights campaigns? Done your best to contact people who can keep awareness in the media?
I don’t expect you to dedicate the minimum two hours a week that I have been doing for the past few weeks (cut down from four by necessity), but how much time would you say you spend per week actually doing something about human rights?
I won’t be holding my breath for a legitimate answer. I keep asking finger-pointers like you and I’m lucky if I get a dishonest answer. Usually it’s no answer at all. Because acting takes effort and being rude on the internet is fun.
Money from selling my car plus a credit card. And my wife is still in the U.S. and has a job, so money on a day-to-day level is not a problem yet.
Believe me, if I could take every non-cishet person with us, I absolutely would. I don’t even have a job or a permanent place for us to live yet and she can only be here for six months legally unless I get a job above a certain income threshold, so we’re not safe yet. I think leaving at the end of January was still the right move though. Trump has proven to be so unpredictable that he could take any sort of horrific action at any moment.
I was heartbroken that my daughter had to leave behind not just her girlfriend, but one of her few other friends was a trans boy who was already facing a ton of shit for that, including parents who were only semi-supportive (they won’t deadname him, but they won’t give him hormones, he was only allowed an uncomfortable chest binder) and the school refuses to treat him like a boy. He’s already self-harming and doing lots of drugs and he’s only 13.
It’s not the price point, they’re just not very interesting figures. I don’t really want old man Worf.
However, this did inspire me to look up and see if there are any Prodigy figures. Unsurprisingly, there are. I may have to get one. A Zero figure.
I’ve heard multiple really fucking disturbing things regarding queer people on Lemmy lately that do not get enough pushback and that is one of them.
Some others said to me (paraphrased):
“You’re complaining about a genocide that hasn’t happened yet when there’s genocide going on right now in Gaza!” The reaction to that link: “That isn’t genocide and you’re making light of genocide if you call it that.”
“You ran away instead of staying to fight” (Said to me multiple times because I got my gay daughter out of the fucking country to save her) along with “you think she’ll be any safer in the UK?” Yes. Not one person has threatened her for being queer since she’s been here or given her shit for dressing too “manly.” When she was in school in Indiana? Yes, those were among the multiple ways she was severely bullied until she literally could not take public school anymore and so we put her in an online school.
But people would much rather point fingers and blame each other than do anything productive. That is being made clear to me over and over on Lemmy.
They cared, but only because the hospital wouldn’t let them in with the ivermectin paste.
Trump learned it from Boeing.
That fire around the “this is fine” dog is coal-powered, isn’t it?
Brought to you by Target and your neighborhood Pep Boys.
Just out of curiosity, I looked… there really was the possibility of a Waterworld 2. The movie was, and I had no idea, profitable. Costner just doesn’t do sequels.
The article also says that at one point, a sequel miniseries was planned (presumably without Costner), but it never happened.
No, I have a “very mainstream liberal view” of how time works. Until something that happens happens again, it’s part of the past.
I have no idea how you can read the words, “I am aware that nothing in human civilization lasts forever apart from xenophobia and bigotry” and then try to act like I said the exact opposite. Or did you just not read them?
What was everyone expecting?
The ones who voted for Trump? To get their pony. And they’ll keep shutting their eyes and plugging their ears waiting for their pony until they starve to death because everyone else has already emptied the dumpster of food.
Huh. TIL. I always thought the difference between murder and manslaughter was premeditation.
I’m not into the whole spinal chord thing, but shouldn’t you vertebrates change the name to human flu when that happens?
Yes, I am aware that nothing in human civilization lasts forever apart from xenophobia and bigotry. Stating facts is not optimism. Until they gain power again, they are still Germany’s past, not Germany’s future.
Of the one person I know that isn’t eligible for retirement, they were planning on leaving anyway due to circumstances in their family.
That was going to be my second question- how many were not retiring, but were planning on leaving for other reasons? How many had a new job lined up before Trump even took office?
These idiots put no restrictions on this offer. And despite that, 75,000 is still far lower than the number of federal employees who retired per year in the past 10 years according to OPM.
So that means even plenty of people who would entirely benefit from this offer at no risk to themselves are telling Trump to go fuck himself.
It indeed might. But not for now.