Today is 13 days, which is 1 week and 6 days of the Omer.

It is also Yom HaShoah, Holocaust Remembrance Day.

During World War II, Jews of Lublin were rounded up by soldiers and taken to a field. “Dance. Sing and dance for us,” they were instructed. No one sang, until one person began: “Lomir zikh iberbetn…” Let’s all get along. No one followed. Another voice offered the same tune with different words: “Mir veln zey iberlebn.We will outlive them.

Our resistance song comes from that night. It’s not uncomplicated. So many of us did not, have not, outlived. But this is a slogan of determination. It’s a love note to every person working to make the ‘we’ who will outlive them bigger and fuller and stronger.

    5 months ago

    I want to preface this by saying I did not downvote your post and that I have a lot of love for Jewish people (I grew up in a very Jewish town). Please don’t take my response as an attack, I am not here to argue. This is just my opinion on the answer to your question here:

    People are probably downvoting it because they’re misplacing their anger. I am not absolving them of that but after months of civilian bombings, I can understand why someone’s gut reaction to “Yiddish resistance song” is negative. My initial interpretation was that the resistance being referenced was related to Gaza - I know it’s not, but when I think of a Judaism and oppression, my first thought is no longer the Holocaust.

    The Israeli government is really fucking over Jews all across the world by association and it sucks.