Hexbear is far more likely to have users entering and using our comms, being another large socialist instance, albeit dedicated to left unity rather than Marxism like ourselves. I think there is enough of a culture change that we need to have a pinned post for hexbear users coming here explaining what kind of content/attitudes they might see here/what different rules to follow

There should also be a section dedicated to explaining to lemmygrad users to respect hexbear comm rules and what to expect from their users etc.

I think this would help ease any potential cross site struggle sessions

  • MarxMadness@lemmygrad.ml
    1 year ago

    Are sex workers not workers?

    And I think everyone would agree that a developed socialist society would support everyone to the point where no one feels economically compelled to engage in sex work. Hexbear recognizes that unde capitalism sex work is usually exploitative, similar to how most other work is exploitative.

    • rjs001@lemmygrad.ml
      1 year ago

      To act as though sex work is work done by personal choice is to be ignorant of the way it is. And to act like it is not far worse than work overall (in working conditions for the most part) is also ridiculous. The working conditions are quite horrific and to argue for no controls at all on it would only benefit the criminals and cartels. Of course they are workers and they are exploited but it is absolutely necessary to defeat such behaviors as AES nations have taken steps to do so. I also find this behavior of thinking someone knows more about solving these issues and increasing the conditions of the working class members who are subjected to sex work than AES nations is ridiculous and chauvinistic. They can be workers and we can also accept that these workers are exploited and attacked viciously and in the end must be an evil that is removed from society. In the end, I try not to and I hope others try not to think they can solved these issues more effectively than AES states have. We must insure we learn from examples and not follow these “libertarian” policies of just “anything goes”. I hope this comment does not come off as rude but this is what my thoughts are on it.

      • MarxMadness@lemmygrad.ml
        1 year ago

        Your comment didn’t come off as rude, and it looks like we agree on quite a bit. But honestly you’re responding to a lot of things I didn’t say – I didn’t suggest anything like an “anything goes” approach to sex work, and I pointed out how exploitative it usually is.

        I also find this behavior of thinking someone knows more about solving these issues and increasing the conditions of the working class members who are subjected to sex work than AES nations is ridiculous and chauvinistic.

        Ignoring AES states’ policies is chauvinistic, but treating them as infallible is dogmatic and unscientific. AES states themselves acknowledge their past shortcomings and seek improvements.

        In the immediate context of trying to build socialism in a capitalist society, I think the best approach is to meet sex workers with tools that are immediately useful, like unions (which do exist for sex workers) and legal protections. Telling them that they are involved in evil and ideally their work wouldn’t exist doesn’t offer them anything within their grasp, and can come across as preachy.

        • rjs001@lemmygrad.ml
          1 year ago

          I don’t want to attack the actual sex workers as they are forced into it. The people who I am absolutely fine with action being taken against (which is my problem when people argue for legalization) are the pimps and the johns.