With thousands of people in the video game industry losing their jobs - including developers who made successful games - I think my energy is best spent elsewhere. Namely, making an endless series of 90-minute-long videos in which I call every new popular piece of media “woke” unless it features Gina Carano looking straight into the camera and saying slurs. And see? That’s a woman, so you can’t even call me sexist because I can name at least one.

    5 months ago

    I don’t understand why video game fans are uniquely supposed to care about layoffs and working conditions in the industry this way. No one tries redirecting the conversation this way about movies and the way VFX artists are treated every time there’s an issue. Gaming is also the only cultural product where its seen as gauche to criticize the artists. Like you’re a dick if you blame the devs for ahitty decisions regarding the production of a game. Like if you say a Zack Snyder film is ridiculous and he’s milking his audience by discussing his directors cut before the movie is even released that’s fine, but if you say that a studio makes shitty games with bad monetization practises and a fucked up story then oh you can’t blame the poor hardworking devs, you have to respect how much work they do.

    The Yasuke shit is stupid, yes. But its dumb because it’s a dumb complaint made by racist babies, not because of some outside factor. If the video game industry was a perfect industry with 0 issues, the complaint would still be dumb and made by racist babies.