In want to create the most detailed characters possible, though even now I am thoroughly impressed by this platform and how the characters interact. I registered to Lemmy just to ask the following question.

I want to set this up optimally, but despite reading the instructions, I am not sure how exactly the Character description/personality/instruction/role section should be formatted, or how much the formatting matters.

It’s formatted like this:

Description of XY:

Personality: a few short sentences

Background: a few short sentences

Appearance: * a few short sentences*

There is also a # Roleplay Guidelines: part put there by default, is that something that should be left there? Does it have a function?

And that’s it. I’m not sure if this is the best way to do it, or what else is a good idea to be out there.

If nothing else, it would also be really helpful if someone sent me a character that was done “correctly”, so I can mimic it.

Thanks a lot!