• Please refer to The CIA as Organized Crime for a full definition of what part of the media & political sphere this phrase encapsulates.

    It’s surprisingly narrow it’s just that this site exists as a fandom for it.

    We’re talking about parties and media outlets and journalists and activists that exist in symbiosis or are at least fully penetrated with law enforcement. The Intercept, Robert Evans, politicians like Mike Gravel, the CPUSA, people like Seymour Hersh, organizations that showed up to ANSWER including these “patsocs” as they are called in this thread for some reason. It seems some third worldist Maoists on the site have a bone to pick with nationalism in the periphery themselves as they were slapping this label on parties in Bangladesh for some reason? Anyways a lot of these outlets put out good material but you can quickly identify the points where they lose the plot either because they’re not Marxist or they’re just chasing engagement (like the Grayzone).