Now I can watch some films with subtitles, read texts(I think my level is about A2 - B1) and understand the main point, but I feel like I need somehow to expand my vocabulary. I tried to learn new words using flash cards and it’s seems effectively. But too boring for me and I just can’t do it. So, maybe you can give a couple recommendations?

  • KazuchijouNo
    5 months ago

    Read a lot! And watch many videos or movies on similar subjects so that you learn how to pronounce those words. Then you could write about the videos/movies, or share your opinions about them online. Extra points if it’s something you actually like and know a bit about.

    Just a quick warning: sometimes not even native speakers know the “proper” pronunciation of certain words, so you’ll hear a variety of accents and pronunciations, from this just pick your fighter, whatever sounds better to you I guess. Also, sometimes people can be mean online, don’t mind them.

    Source: I got my english from books, games and youtube, then got a bit of practice from speaking with friends and working at call centers.

      5 months ago

      Also, sometimes people can be mean online, don’t mind them.

      Anecdote: I learned speaking French for like forever? I’m Dutch so I have some accent and an old French women (in the south),while I ask for some help, said I need to learn to speak French in a very mean tone just because I don’t have their stupid south accent ! 🤨