A new survey reveals EU citizens are growing more and more US-sceptic, and think it’s time for the bloc to pursue its own foreign policy and reduce ties with Washington.

  • stoy@lemmy.zip
    3 months ago

    I am not so sure after seeing our response to the current conflict.

    It has shown how divided and self centered nations are.

    Russia has one tactic that we can’t really match, their leaderships willingness to throw wave after wave of their own men at us.

    I don’t think we are prepared for that, our militaries are more focused on fighting a more rational enemy, it seems like we expect the other side to look at a powerpoint presentation with graphs and diagrams showing how superior we are and just give up.

    That might have worked in the past but Russia spent decades infiltrating and undermining our countries, to the point that they are not scared of our paper tiger anymore.

    They see how divided we are and have learned to play on those divisions.

    This situation is very different than 15 or so years ago.

      • stoy@lemmy.zip
        3 months ago

        Very true, ans who knows, perhaps in 20 years, Trump will be seen as the US president that made Europe stand proud and defend ourselves.