Plasma’s restore session functionality has started working for me relatively recently, but there’s one thing that bugs me: all my windows are just dumped together into the same activity and workspace I’m in at login, so it becomes a big mess.
Is there a setting somewhere that tells it to respect the last position of the windows?
My understanding is that not saving window size and placement is a limitation of Wayland right now (for security reasons that it’s trying to address rather than ignore like xorg I think?). I think it’s something that’s planned to be added eventually, but who knows when that might be. It is frustrating in the meantime I agree.
Take all this with a large grain of salt of course, I am by no means an expert on the matter and am just repeating what I read when I looked into it myself a year ago or so.
I have simply created custom rules for the respective programs and the associated open windows. Since these are standard programs anyway, which I always have open or want to open again on the same activity with the same arrangement. So I set up one for gaming, Internet, multimedia and work. This works without any problems.
Just to say that I have the same question/problem ! 😌
@lascapi @QuazarOmega You can set rules for a lot of options for application windows.
How do you use workspaces? I’ve not figured out if they can help me.