• Jerkface (any/all)@lemmy.ca
    1 month ago

    The USA has high egg prices because they have built a system that is not only extremely vulnerable to diseases, but is also extremely effective at generating new ones. They build ranches of horrifying cruelty with millions of individuals. (The average ranch size in Canada is about 30k.) When one gets sick, the whole million plus flock of individuals are slaughtered. Meanwhile, the USA is a huge global viral reservoir and multiplying reactor, putting not only other agricultural populations at risk, but the entire fucking human race when this inevitably jumps to humans. So hard to be sympathetic that this is costing your daily needless cruelty a few cents more.

      • Jerkface (any/all)@lemmy.ca
        1 month ago

        Right, just like everyone I speak to on the Internet. Your friend is BUSY! And you never consume food while you are away from home from whatever crappy fast food joint you happen to be close to. You never consume anything with eggs while you are out visiting. Because you care so much about animals, that you only abuse, enslave and murder the ones that live on your friend’s ranch.

        Riddle me this, Batman. If you only buy eggs from this one magical ranch free of the concerns of factory farming because they only have rescue hens (that they then force back into commercial egg laying, some rescue!!), then why have your eggs gotten more expensive? They should have ALREADY BEEN EXPENSIVE, and then been unaffected by the events in the wider industry.

        The lies we tell ourselves are not convincing to others. What was the point of that lie? Are you that worried how a vegan sees you on the internet that you have to steal valor?