• Comprehensive49@lemmygrad.ml
    5 hours ago

    Ya’ll please calm the heck down. There are long-running reasons for this invitation. One instance of realpolitik does not suddenly mean ‘Russia bad’, that is liberal thinking.

    Before the collapse of the USSR, it had a sizable Jewish minority. The USSR saved many Jews from the Nazis, and most ended up living in the USSR.

    After the collapse, that minority immigrated to Israel and make up about 15% of the Israeli population. Many have dual Russian-Israeli passports. 1 in 4 staff members in Israeli universities are native Russian speakers.[1]

    These Russian Jews act both as a potent fifth column promoting Zionism in Russia, and facilitate useful political connections between Israel and Russia. For example, Israel has been rather quiet about Russia’s operations in Ukraine. In return, Russia doesn’t say much about Israel’s genocide in Palestine.

    Because of these circumstances, Russia doesn’t readily oppose Israel. When Russia works with Iran, Russia explicitly says that they cannot involve themselves in an Israel-Iran conflict. The most Russia can do without pissing off their Jewish fifth column is to weaken American influence and hope that makes Israel less insane.

    In 2024, Israel officially recognized Victory Day as a holiday, and is one of the only non post-Soviet countries to do so. It makes sense that Russia would return the gesture by inviting them to the Victory Day Parade in 2025. [2] Israel previously attended the 2018 parade at Russia’s invitation.

    Russia has also invited China, India, Brazil, Slovakia, Serbia, and Mahmoud Abbas from the Palestinian Authority.

    I don’t like this Russian invitation either, but it makes sense from Russia’s history with Jews. It certainly has better reasons than how much America buddies up with Israel. Russia actually protected Jews in WWII, while America just lies about their pro-Jewish history.

    TLDR: Zionists fuck up the relations with Israel of any country they worm their way inside, and Russia is no exception.

    1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russians_in_Israel ↩︎

    2. https://www.jns.org/russia-invites-israel-to-may-9-event-us-eu-unwelcome/ ↩︎

    • IHave69XiBucks@lemmygrad.ml
      1 day ago

      I also want to note they seem to be using this victory day event to have a summit of some kind. Inviting the US and China specifically to have a talk. If thats the case it does kind of make sense to have the US’s rabid dog in attendance too.

      If i had to guess this victory day thing is an attempt from the Russians/Chinese/other cooler heads to try and avert the incoming WW3 and reason with Israel, and the US a bit. Try and get them to chill the fuck out. I dont think it will work, but cant really blame them for trying to avoid a world war.

      • Comprehensive49@lemmygrad.ml
        1 day ago

        You bring up a great point. Russia has invited the BRIC members of BRICS alongside Eastern Europe and Israel. It would make sense for them to talk.

        Brazil has scheduled the next BRICS summit for July 2025, which is bad timing. What can you do in only half a year? Pepe Escobar says their excuse is that they need to prepare for COP 30, but it is more likely that Brazil’s pro-West capitalist faction still dislikes the BRICS and forced Lula’s hand. [1]

        Faced with such Brazilian unreliability, it sure would make sense to meet up somewhere earlier. Victory Day is on May 9, which is perfect for pre-planning, especially if BRICS needs to accelerate some projects to have stuff to present in July.

        1. https://sputnikglobe.com/20241028/pepe-escobar-brics-make-history---can-they-keep-the-momentum-1120707386.html ↩︎