meanwhile chad gut bacteria help us digest food and are actively vital to us being healthy
They also quite demanding of what types of food to eat to the point where they make us crave what they crave.
No, gut bacteria, i’m not eating fries, this is the third times of the day you want fries!
it is generally good to eat the things that your gut can digest
Parasites should take a lesson from symbiotes and not kill their hosts like dumbasses.
So, interesting and maybe-not-so-fun fact? Most parasites that kill their hosts do so without caring because they can survive elsewhere. We call it a reservoir of infection.
REALLY fun fact, there’s some cool life cycles involved. You remember our old friend anthrax? One of its favorite tricks is killing its host, the zebra. When it dies, the anthrax bacteria go down into the soil beneath the corpse, and put on a fresh new coat of paint and open up shop again. Only, this time, they act as a super friendly bacteria that participates in the nitrogen cycle and ensure that the plants in the soil can get everything they’d ever want out of that oh-so-convenient zebra corpse rotting away up above. Why do they do this? Because in their ‘friendly’ infection of the plants growing (oh, did I forget to mention what plants they infect/cooperate with? It’s grass), they get offered right up to the hungry mouths of the next zebra to come along and see an exceptionally vibrant area of green grass.
I would watch this sequel to osmosis jones
Host gets eaten by even bigger potential host. It’s hosts all the way up.
But if, as they say, “it’s elephants all the way down,” while simultaneously being larger and larger hosts all the way up, as you’ve postulated here, then that must mean that… I don’t know. Something. Something wonderful.
Or terrifying
Infinite chain of parasitic elephants?
I was in a grunge band called Infinite Chain of Parasitic Elephants. We owned about 200 pairs of torn jeans, our instruments, and nothing else.
200 Pairs of Torn Jeans was the name I gave to my trained centipede coal miners back in '37.
Coal Miners Back In '37 was the name of my bluegrass fusion band.
Bluegrass fusion is my favorite style of cuisine!
Assuming that the growth on both sides is identical, it would mean that once you put the flat Earth on its side it would be balanced, as all things should be.
Oh wait I figured it out. If the hosts get smaller the lower you go, that means that eventually the hosts would be so small that there could be only one. And now I’m torn between saying: “and it’s your penis, Tiny Tim.” Or: “and it’s my dick so everybody needs to get off it.”
Could also speculate that Occam’s Razor would point to the likelihood of the smaller things actually being on the “top” and our perspective being flipped, because it’s unlikely that a single tiny penis, yours or mine either one, could support the mass of existence.
But then again, you did nail my mother last night- and she’s so fat, when you got her off she came chocolate syrup.
You guys fell in love, though, you and my mom - but she’s so fat, that when y’all did so, you broke it.
You gashed your arm on the shards of it and started gushing blood; she cut her leg and got gravy all over the sheets.
I thought she stole your shoes, because she left the house that I live in the basement of in high heels- but when I picked her up from the vet’s office after that whole ordeal, she was wearing thong sandals.
By the way- I’m billing you for the cleaning of my bed, the kitchen, the hot tub, Lake Michigan, and also the crane rentals to and from the hospital.
She said she’d like to see you again tho.
We need to get this text into the congressional archives
Oh shit, I forgot I wrote this lmao
Its only been 2 hours 😂 I love your energy or vibe or something lol
I like to live in the moment while torturing myself about the past and worrying about the future. Basically I just do odd shit and then forget about it a bunch. I’d make a good homeless dude with an “End is Nigh” sign probably.
Parasitoids: I’ll do it again
reminds me of a certain US president…
If it kills the host, it’s not a very successful parasite, or it’s a parasitoid as only one other commenter has picked up. It’s not in parasites’ interest to kill their hosts, it usually happens when they infect a non-preferred host and the system responds differently, like the pork tapeworm Taenia solium which doesn’t kill pigs but can be lethal in humans.
A superior parasite would keep the host alive for hundreds of years past it’s normal lifespan, while ensuring that nothing of the host survives.
Nope. Evolution doesn’t really work like that. A ‘successful’ organism simply needs to have offspring capable of producing more offspring. In the case of a parasite, it just needs to keep the host alive long enough to infect another host. Anything more than that and you start running into quality vs quantity issues. A longer living, self limiting parasite isn’t going to reproduce as fast (as size longevity goes up, reproductive rates generally go down)
A fast acting, highly transmissible parasite is generally going to outcompete slower parasites.
You’re not actually wrong. The Goa’uld were indeed far too slow moving, and it was their ultimate weakness, they weren’t able to keep up with the pace of change around them, even despite a lack of competition in their evolutionary niche.
Or possibly because of a lack of competition. Another object lesson in the dangers from having a lack of biodiversity in our ecosystem.
Leopards meet face
Parasites ate my face (I love rimming)
Everybody Loves Rimming starring Ray Romano and Jeff Stryker
Surprised Pikasite
On a similar note, I visited the medical museum in Bangkok today and it had a whole section on parasites. I’ll never be the same after having viewed that photograph of someone, cheeks spread, and with a pile of worms spilling out.
Lol! Fair enough!