Is there a place where one could offer stories which would be interesting to write to authors which might be looking for stories?
I have a life story to give and work out but I am no author, but I think it’s worth telling.
Other than straight up paying a ghost writer, are there people interested in doing this?
Thanks for your answer, thought as much.
Possible it’s best to just forget the whole thing.
Just one correction: might be that I didn’t state this clearly. It’s literally about my life. And death, and life again. Most people don’t live to tell the tale and especially aren’t as alive as me again. This alone is a long story but paired with ridiculously insane coincidences which would make a story ‘unrealistic’, but it (provably) happened. There’s a lot more to this medically, too. Well, and a turbulent life around that.
That’s why I often return to the thought. But I still have a regular work life as everyone else and am not a writer.
That’s why I asked.
Nevertheless, thanks for your time.