Is there a place where one could offer stories which would be interesting to write to authors which might be looking for stories?
I have a life story to give and work out but I am no author, but I think it’s worth telling.
Other than straight up paying a ghost writer, are there people interested in doing this?
I wasn’t referring to anything. I was merely trying to understand why you felt you could not write stories etc.
I do understand that the writing skills you currently have do not lend themselves to writing stories. However, I’d say that it may be possible to learn how to do so.
I am not sure what you mean about it falling apart in your mind, would you like to explain more?
Sure! I always thought of this as having a massive cpu but almost no ram or storage. So while I can keep things in my mind and maybe do some impressive thinking it’s a ‘sliding window’ and older parts drop out of it fairly quickly.
It’s literally hard to keep thoughts together. I also have strong non diagnosed but very possible neurodivergent tendencies.
I noticed the above early in my life. When getting into deep discussions there are sudden dead ends my brain gets in and that’s it.
Oh, hmm. Have you ever thought about going to get diagnosed and maybe meds or some such to help?
Yes, of course. And in my country the health system is quite OK too. But I have overcome so many obstacles and already have so many diagnoses (medical, matter of fact proof) that it really does not matter anymore.
I also have been on medication regarding this already, that helped but also muffled down everything among other disadvantages.