• Buckminster Fuller@lemmy.wtfOP
    10 hours ago

    So, you’re a troll.

    How am I troll? I posted a conservative news article to a conservative news community.

    You on the other hand, are not a conservative, came to a conservative news community to disagree with people because you hate conservatives.

    So you’re actually the troll. No one forced you to be here. You came to complain and argue with conservatives. That’s trolling behavior.

    You ought to understand why you’re so deep into negative karma, at least.

    I couldn’t care less what my “karma” is. lmao It’s hilarious to me that you think that’s important though.

    I’m not going to read your source, because I’m not soft between the ears.

    Then don’t. I don’t care. lol

    Get me a better source, I might read it, but probably not.

    Again, I don’t care. I didn’t bring you here. I didn’t lead you here. You came to this community on your own. Read stuff or not. I don’t care at all.

    Every time you do this dumb shit,

    Oh you mean stuff like posting a conservative news article to a conservative news community?

    You’ve convinced no one of anything, generated zero dollars of advertising revenue, and generally made the platform worse by participating in it.

    I don’t care. I don’t give a shit if you read the article or not. LMAO

    In fact, I just posted another Breitbart article. And I will continue to post them. Feel free not to read them either. But for sure write me a harshly worded comment about how you won’t read them. :)