• 19 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 15th, 2023


  • Therapy and meds sometimes are the answer.

    When you reach a point in your life when your anxiety is just too much to handle, get help. My wife suffers the same thing and took too long to realise that was the case. Only when she was really at the bottom then she accepted help. But even then it wasn’t enough for her to accept that she had to take meds. I had to sit her down and say that what she was doing was not only destroying her bit myself as well. Then she really took it seriously and started to really taking the meds. It was a huge improvement. Anxiety probably never disappears but she learned how to handle it and the meds enabled her not to meltdown at every little thing. Long story short: get help asap and your wife is probably suffering as much or even more than you. Don’t be egoistic and treat yourself. As for being a workaholic that’s simple. Find a hobby you like and be a hobbyholic :D

  • This comment is the perfect mirror of how dumb people can be. So a guy who’s using an apple product posts something about the product and this community is not the community for him? Since when can’t we criticise a product we use? Should we be blind to the product’s faults? If everyone had this mindset companies could get away with everything. My advice to you is to open your eyes and be more helpful. This dude was only asking for the experience of other users and you helped nothing and were only rude

  • Portuguese is also a Latin laguange and Portuguese are much more proficient in English than Spanish, French and Italians. The main reason, imo, is that these countries dub all movies, series, etc, so they basically never listen to English nor are they interested to. In Portugal we rarely dub anything and just use subtitles. So it’s much easier for us to understand and speak english because we’re much more used to listen to it. It’s probably the same thing for the eastern countries as mentioned above. Now, why do these countries dub everything I don’t know but if they didn’t we’d probably be on the same level