Cripple. History Major. Vaguely Left-Wing.

Alt of PugJesus for ensuring Fediverse compatibility and shit

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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 21st, 2023


  • Death sentence does not, and has never, worked as a deterrent.

    The death penalty doesn’t work on irrational actors - ie the desperate and the mentally unwell. Those who commit most crimes. The death penalty as a deterrent to rational actors (such as opportunistic politicians) is very much part of the mental calculus that goes into decision-making.

    It’s also super fucked to say “sometimes you gotta kill a guy cause too many people agree with him.”

    No, that’s actually pretty normal. People agreeing with genocidal dictators is a bad thing, and taking out the dictator is greatly preferable to taking out all the people who agree.

  • Espionage outside of wartime is still done through the civilian courts, and treason trials (such as for an ousted genocidal dictator) would likely be done through civilian courts as well.

    But yes, they’re generally more military/extreme edge cases that I feel the death penalty is warranted in. Murder? Theft? Taking up two parking spaces? Prison is good enough.

    US States have no purpose applying capital punishment beyond revenge.

    That I agree with.

    1. The death penalty is an important bargaining tool with the spies of other countries in regards to serious cases of espionage.

    2. It may be necessary to apply the death penalty in the case of a state in dire circumstances in which the release or escape of a prisoner may be regarded as deadly to the commonwealth - such as a dictator with large minority support or support amongst the elite still remaining being prosecuted for their crimes.

    3. As deterrent in extreme matters of desertion, war crimes, or crimes against peace.

    Fucking wild that a place where the sentiment of ‘eat the rich’ is commonly passed around recoils at the idea of executing a dictator after a trial if his crimes warrant it and there’s a reasonable threat that he could be sprung and returned to power by the elite or a radical minority.

    Like, really?

  • The M.39B Libellula (from Libellulidae, a taxonomic family of dragonflies) was a Second World War tandem wing experimental aircraft built by Miles Aircraft, designed to give the pilot the best view possible for landing on aircraft carriers.

    To prove the concept Miles designed and built a 5/8th scale version, the M.39B, which flew on 22 July 1943, showing no “undesirable handling” characteristics. It coincided with interest by the authorities in unorthodox designs for large aircraft. The rear wing was mounted higher than the forward one to avoid downwash and give ground clearance for the propellers. The M39 design had inboard flaps and outboard ailerons on the rear wing and the front wing had an auxiliary aerofoil/flap/elevator device, which could vary the wing area without changing lift coefficient.[5]

    Wild, the things they tried back in the 40s!