Sending this from a Commodore 64 in 1986. Hello future world!
I didn’t write the article.
I like what trump is doing.
“Popular” doesn’t mean worthwhile.
But you not liking something doesn’t make it unworthwhile. There are plenty of people who do like it, and it’s worthwhile to them.
I’m one of them. Stop trying to force your opinions on me.
My dude, you don’t have to post it.
My dude, you don’t have to read it.
If you don’t like what post, then you don’t have to click on the links. Me posting stuff I find interesting doesn’t negatively affect your life at all.
If you’re unhappy with the news I post, feel free to post your own links. You can do it just as easily as i can.
The sites I post from are extremely popular have have tons of readers. If they are so bad, then how come they are so popular? Because not everyone has your same fucking opinion. Get over yourself.
For fucks sake, learn some internet literacy.
Conservatives and deeply questionable sources; is there any more iconic combination?
You don’t have to listen to either one. Feel free not to click on the article.
Yep! I remember seeing an ad in Omni magazine that showed someone sitting at a computer. And in big bold print it said, “Imagine being able to read the news with just a few clicks of a keyboard!” Then going on to say someday that may happen.
And boy did it ever. But what’s so funny that ad seemed so futuristic and cool. Now we do it from our pocket. Crazy.
I still have that magazine by the way. I should dig it out and scan that ad!
Yep! lol
I legit got laid doing that in aol chatrooms. One girl I ended up dating for 4 years. Met her in aol chat room. Started with a/s/l. Met her at the food court in the mall. Kissed her at her car. She moved in with me a month later.
Good times. I ended up being clever as fuck in chat. Thankfully women like humor and wit more than looks. It’s the only reason I got laid then and the only reason I get laid now. haha
As someone pointed out, this turned out to be a rendering.
I was totally into the that art scene! lmao I’d even print that shit out on my dot-matrix printer!
I remember a programming course in the summer that left an impression, though I foolishly never pursued it further.
Yep, even tho I do ok and I’m retired, I definitely wish that I had kept pursing it. I actually enjoyed programming in my BASIC class in school. But for some reason, it just never clicked with me that I could do it as a job.
I would be way wealthier if I had pursued it. I have no excuse. It literally just never occurred to me that I could do it as a job.
I grew up in a very rural town, population less that 2,000 people.
Now that I retired early and collect a pension, I am looking to pick up where I left off. Just for fun. :)
Trying to install linux on my PC today as a matter of fact.
You know, I was starting to wonder if it was a render. It all looks good, but the lamp kept throwing me off. It’s the part that looks rendered to me. Thanks for the catch!
Yeah, I can definitely see myself going down the same path as you. lol
Hmmm, maybe. But I don’t remember it being nearly as prominent right now. Here on Lemmy, post a picture of a cute dog and prepare for replies with variations of, “Yeah, well now that Trump is president, get used to not being able to afford a dog!” or “Wow, look at that. I’ll never be able to afford a house now. Since fascists voted in a dictator. The closest I’ll get to a dog is having to eat dog food because it’s all I can afford on my way to the deathcamps!”
Ugh, it just EVERYWHERE now. Also back then it seemed to be smarter people arguing because the cost of admission was higher to get into the computer world–both in intelligence and money.
But to your point, I wasn’t THAT smart or rich, so I guess I was never in the hardcore argument worlds. I was reading BASIC magazine and trying to write cool programs that showed colored lines. BBS was more of “OMG I am talking to someone in another state without using the mail!” lolol
Now the internet is full of assholes who aren’t just autistic, but are self-aware assholes who profit from it in terms of money or attention.
100 percent. I was born in 1969. For me the best decade was the 90’s. But I had a lot of fun in the 80’s too.
I can’t take credit for it; I found it online. But my childhood setup was almost exactly the same, so it brought a wave of memories.
Yeah, the tech we have is nicer, slicker, and faster. Most just works until it doesn’t, then buy another. But I keep feeling like I SHOULD be excited, but I’m not.
I legit and thinking of dialing it all back, going old school and just fucking around w an old computer that can hardly do anything cool.
I mean, that excitement almost came back with raspberry pi, but not it’s pretty commercial. AI sort had that thrill, but now it’s so good and so fast, the newness wore off.
I recently retired (early retirement), and thought what all my free time I was gonna do and learn all the latest tech. Um, no. Now I want to do old tech as the hobby. lmao
I saw an article. Read it. Posted it. It’s fucking Lemmy, dude. It’s not that deep or serious. Calm your tits.