What_Religion_R_They [none/use name]

  • 32 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: August 5th, 2020

  • ah okay. I was thinking of interviewing one of my parents who also lived there but i wanted to see how common it is here on the site. also the interview idea is kinda stupid since there are literal countries out there full of soviet citizens 💀

    anyway. i have three questions that you can answer as briefly as you want: I was wondering how having older people in your family grow up there influence(or didn’t lol) your views on the USSR/communism, do you think you gained some information from the familial relation that you wouldn’t have gained otherwise, and have you ever traveled to a former soviet country because of the link?

  • In 1964, The Militant gained unwanted attention when it was revealed during the Warren Commission that Lee Harvey Oswald had his wife, Marina Oswald Porter take two photographs of him around March 31, 1963 posing in his backyard holding a copy of The Militant and another communist newspaper The Worker in one hand and the rifle that he would later use on November 22 to assassinate John F. Kennedy on the other (he held them in different hands in both photographs). These photographs were considered important evidence in the investigation as it proved the rifle was his. In the 1970s, another photograph of the same was found and was used in a later investigation in 1977.

    do you guys think the trotskyist newspaper that published many of trotsky’s works (in english only??? how does a russian writer have texts that are in english but not russian) is a CIA front that brainwashed lee harvey oswald

  • (Figure 1: Simple Area chart)

    After doing the math (below) and calculating the absolute values ONLY by using what was provided in the graph by OurWorldInData (pixel counting), I can get the above graph. I used a simple area chart for Figure 1 because it’s close in content and character to what they posted. The reason the left side of Figure 1 appears proportionally different to theirs is because their Y-axis is %, mine is an absolute value. The world population Changed which is not captured in their graph, but is captured in mine. A “simple” area chart is effectively a line chart, as each individual point is with reference to 0, and is therefore it is not suitable to showcase a relationship of each individual part to a whole over time.

    Figure 1 can also be represented as Figure 2 simply by subtracting the two quantities to calculate for “Only China” and switching to a stacked area chart. A stacked area chart is what is used in the OP, and it is used to show relationships between two different quantities and also their relationship to the whole over time. On the contrary, a line chart/“simple” area chart is better used to look at different quantities in isolation.

    (Figure 2: Stacked Area chart)

    So, using ONLY their graph, and converting it to absolute values, we get basically the same graph as in the OP (only with 2 points over time instead of however many there are in the full dataset).

    In effect, they’re using two clever tricks in the OurWorldInData graph - one trick is that they calculate from the perspective of World and World-minus-China and use a line chart two draw an equivalence between them. Another trick is that they use Share of Population (%) as the Y-axis, which is inherently problematic for comparisons, as (a) the world population changed (b) the chinese population stayed basically the same. This means that although the share might decrease, the absolute value (the raw number of people in extreme poverty) may stay the same (or even increase! though it didn’t), and finally © it’s easier for people to conceptualize an absolute count of individuals who were lifted out of poverty rather than thinking of percentages of population.

    Their conclusion is that China was not solely responsible for poverty alleviation. No shit. Even the OP says China accounts “only” for 75% of world poverty alleviation, and uses $1.90 as benchmark for extreme poverty whereas this uses $2.15. If we do the math, using their benchmark and their data, China accounted for 62% of poverty alleviation.

    For a website called OurWorldInData, they sure can’t represent data for shit.


    By pixel counting, the graph says extreme poverty (below $2.15) in the…
    World 2022 8.983%
    World minus China 2022 10.913%

    World 1990 37.992%
    World minus China 1990 28.726%


    World population in 1990
    - 5.293 billion (5,293,000,000)
    China population in 1990
    - 1.135 billion (1,135,000,000)
    World population without China in 1990
    - 4.158 billion (4,158,000,000)

    World population in 2022
    - 7.951 billion (7,951,000,000)
    China population in 2022
    - 1.412 billion (1,412,000,000)
    World population without China in 2022
    - 6.539 billion (6,539,000,000)

    Absolute values for extreme poverty (below $2.15) in the…
    World 2022…714,238,330
    China 2022…637,260
    World minus China 2022…713,601,070

    World 1990…2,010,916,560
    China 1990…816,489,490
    World minus China 1990…1,194,427,080

    This also matches the graph in the OP. By pixel counting the world-minus-china has 1195 million in 1990, which is what we got, and 701 million in 2017 which is close to what we got. The differences can be explained by the fact that the OurWorldInData graph goes to 2022 and that they define extreme poverty by $2.15 whereas OP’s WorldBank goes by $1.90.

  • Mention any projects, programmes, self-learning you’ve participated in (inflate the importance of these somewhat) to at least break it up. Now, assuming that you’ve broken up the big gap into smaller gaps, write a simple and straightforward explanation about your situation at the end talking about all the gaps in general. Just write what you wrote here about the job market but more professionally. Don’t overthink it, some random professor will most likely spend 2-3 minutes looking at it. If you’re applying to some mid uni (I mean any uni that isn’t a cutthroat uni in the US or UK) and your bachelor’s GPA was like 3.2ish+ then you’ll be fine. You’ll just be in the middle of the batch, and depending on how many students applied that semester you’ll have an alright chance at the least.