betelgeuse [comrade/them]

  • 4 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: May 15th, 2022


  • Were there twitch whisper messages with an individual minor back in 2017? The answer is yes. Were there real intentions behind these messages, the answer is absolutely not. These were casual, mutual conversations that sometimes leaned too much in the direction of being inappropriate, but nothing more. Nothing illegal happened, no pictures were shared, no crimes were committed, I never even met the individual. I went through a lengthy arbitration regarding a civil dispute with twitch and that case was resolved by a settlement. Let me be clear, it was not a criminal case against me and no criminal charges have ever been brought against me.

    Did I sext a child? Yes. Were there intentions? Yes. Were the intentions real? Define real. What is real anyways? Are you real? Am I real?

    Look, I settled in a civil case okay? It wasn’t even criminal!

  • You just answered your own question. They’re not going to dismantle it, they’re going to make them more friendly the petit bourgeois cooks that make up the anti-globalist faction within Republicans. Which is who Trump appeals to. The FBI and other intelligence agencies are captured by the internationalist capitalists. There’s a power dynamic here and inter-class fighting happening. It’s not just one faction of wealthy and not pure party politics.

    The dismantle talk is different from ours. When we say dismantle/defund, we mean eliminate it. They mean change it to work better for them.

  • Dismantle the department of education

    Yeah this already happened. It’s been happening. Just because there’s a building and a title in an organizational structure, doesn’t mean it’s not dismantled. Joe has done his part to help dismantle it during his term by being awful on covid.

    Rescind gender identity, sexual orientation, and sex as protected classes

    What is he doing to stop the next admin from being able to do this? If the answer is not enough then he is doing it.

    the largest domestic deportation operation in history"

    No he just tried to out-flank Republicans on immigration by continuing their rhetoric and increasing detention and bolstering “border security” while letting Texas maim immigrants with traps. All the stuff that only helps the next Republican president.

    I hate to be rude and I don’t do it often but some of you really misunderstand power and how lack of action helps further oppression. Any time elections come around, you pop up and start being very concerned and adamantly argue why Democrats are slightly better than Republicans. It’s like having two pistons on a crank shaft and telling everyone that one piston isn’t moving the car as much as the other, so if we want to apply brakes, we need more pistons like that one. The bad stuff is happening all the time, constantly, and without stopping. The bad stuff is a conclusion to this form of social organization, not having the wrong people in power for 4 years. It was happening when we had FDR, JFK, Carter, Clinton and Obama. It didn’t stop during those presidencies. They were all contributors. They all kept it going. Trump is a result of what they did or didn’t do.

    I don’t know why we have to go through this every election cycle.

  • Whenever you borrow money from a lender, you must pay it back with interest. The percentage of the borrowed amount that must be paid back with the negotiated time period is the interest rate. Banks lend money to people and companies. Banks also lend money to one another. The rate of interest that banks can charge one another is set by the a committee that’s part of the federal reserve. They meet eight times a year to set a target interest rate on the biggest lenders. This is to adjust how fast the economy is growing. Low rates means these banks exchange more money more often because it costs them less interest to do so. Higher interest means they’re more picky about lending.

    The way the biggest lenders exchange with one another has an effect on the smaller banks and lenders. Ultimately, the money comes from the top, where money is exchanged and managed with the federal reserve system.

    When those interest rates are very low, money moves easily and faster. Any borrower is more likely to take advantage of a lower interest rate, the money they are borrowing is cheaper in terms of debt service cost. When interest rates are very high, the opposite happens. Borrowers can’t afford to borrow and lenders don’t have as much capital to lend.

    For a little bit of time in recent history, interest rates were historically low. Large companies and banks could borrow money for very little interest. This is why there was a startup boom in silicone valley. A venture capitalist firm could easily borrow money to fund any project they thought could work. It also helps with borrowing money for things like construction. You get increased real estate construction with low interest rates.

    When the federal reserve started targeting higher rates, due to inflation, the banks were spoiled on low rates. It was a shock to people because many had spent most of their career having easily accessible capital. Now it suddenly became an issue because you interest payments on $100M became a lot more expensive. Even though rates are still reasonable compared to historical rates, people still freaked out.