Hahah you sound like my old drug dealer.
Hahah you sound like my old drug dealer.
Alright then, who pissed off Cookie Monster?
Nah they’re not strong enough words.
With his sidekick Anxiety Boy.
Hates even too soft of a word, there’s not a single word in any language that describes the feeling this image invokes.
Sometimes program bugs make the best jokes.
Pecker Productions or PP for short.
Chunus looks exactly like a person named Chunus.
He’s even got that Moe Sislak voice.
As soon as I read the title and looked at him I could see it.
Nah they like to pew pew people who use an image of the Pedo.
Who’s a pedophile!?
That line delivery kills me every time.
No more hiding your shame people!
It’s simple but iconic.
I had this broken but working lamp (was just the light part no stand) with a dumb plastic baby blue lamp shade thing that fit perfectly on there as a lid.
I put it there because I worked out one of my dogs was kinda scared of the dark and wouldn’t eat at night unless someone walked out there or we left the big light on, once we put that on and turned it on he was fine.
I think they nerfed the speed of them because of framerate issues.
I’m going to believe that the thumbnail is the detective that solved the case.
Take your phone out, look at it, get a slightly concerned look on your face that quickly turns to fear, run out the room yelling “No No No NO No No No No No they’re not meant to be here this soon”, destroy your phone and start a fresh new life.