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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • As long as there is legal privatized medicine and legal privatized health insurance, there is an incentive and market for legal privatized emt service.

    Private for profit services have a main goal of profiting off of the service they provide with a secondary goal of serving their clients. Public services have a main goal of effectively serving the public with a secondary goal of using the entire budget effectively without going over. Because of that, the two classes of EMT service will make different large scale decisions affecting patients and employees, that lead to vastly different outcomes for the people using these services.

  • We are all happy to engage with competing worldviews

    What you call “far right” and “extremist” is actually normal, conservative, and Christian. What you call “hateful” is actually just truth telling.

    This isn’t a competing worldview, or rather, it’s a competing worldview in the same way that phrenology and alchemy are competing ways to view anatomy and chemistry. Like, it’s possible to genuinely believe in these things if your conditions of childhood existence are so constrained, isolated, or manipulated that you are happier living life in your own personal ‘Truman show.’ But the rest of us don’t have an obligation to play along with your fantasy.

    Most of us here on the internet have at some point met someone we’ve had a reasonable political disagreement with but could walk away understanding each other better due to those disagreements. Most of us would even say thise diagreements have gone in both political directions. The same cannot honestly be said for folks with your version of a ‘world view.’ It’s like a method actor but worse because it lacks any goal, it’s like a person suffering mental but worse because the cause (Patriarchal models of religion) is external, intentional, and had been prosthlytizing delusion as a worldview for millenia.