moonlake [he/him]

I’m just a teenage dirtbag, baby 🇵🇸

  • 49 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: August 7th, 2020


  • moonlake [he/him]@hexbear.netOPtomemes@hexbear.nettoo real
    1 month ago

    I think it’s possible to do everything you’re supposed to and still feel like shit. That’s because the problem is not in you, it’s in the hellworld. The problem is systemic, so no amount of individual action can solve it. I think we should try our best but accept that life is still gonna be garbage sometimes (or most of the time lol)

  • moonlake [he/him]@hexbear.netOPtomemes@hexbear.nettoo real
    1 month ago

    That’s a good idea, I also recommend journaling. Along with meditation, it’s the best habit that you can develop.

    Wage slavery often feels like you’re running in a hamster wheel but if you’re journaling, you can read your entries from a year ago and see how much progress you’ve made.

  • This movie has a misleading name since it is essentially about war reporters. But the name Reporters has a much lower marketing potential than Civil War.

    If you’re making a movie about reporters, the most important question to ask is - what is the point of reporting in capitalism? This movie doesn’t even ask this question.

    The blackpilled answer is that there is no point. The people in power don’t need the reporting because they are the ones doing the horrible shit. The people who are not in power don’t need the reporting because they can’t do anything about it. It’s possible to come up with a more hopeful answer to this question but hope is hard to come by in 2024

  • I watched Civil War recently. It doesn’t answer any questions, like “how did we get here” and “what can we do to prevent this”. Which is okay because movies don’t have to answer questions but they at least have to ask some questions and this movie doesn’t even do that, which is wild.

    This movie has nothing to say except “reporters are important.” Which is such a basic ass message that doesn’t even have to be said since everybody can agree with that.

    Reporters are important because of the valuable insight from the front lines that they give us. But what’s even more important is the action that we do as a result of this insight. If reporters are documenting someone’s misery but nothing gets done to stop it, then they are just making misery porn for our entertainment. That’s a far more important point and this movie doesn’t have anything to say about that.

    Overall I’d rate this 6.5 out of 10 popcorn bags, shout out to Portland Maoists