Maybe, there’s also an argument to be made for Tom being an earthly embodiment of eru the creator given the whole knowing the world when it was young and seeing the first rain and first acorn bit.
Sorta. We know he’s amoung the oldest beings in universe given the acorn line being able to be interpreted as seeing the first acorn or to be the first to see an acorn so first valar or eru.
I like to think he’s the conscious embodiment entropy of middle earth.
I mean, its entirely possible that he was created as some unforseen confluence of melodies in the Song of the Ainur. Sort of like how the popular theory for the origin of Ungoliant is that she arose from the discord between Melkor’s song and Eru’s song
Certainly, I just like that everything with a purpose seems drawn to him and he then directs them to where they’re supposed to be but they all leave questioning each other or themselves as to what the fuck just happened.
Huh haven’t heard of the self insert thing. Thought bombadil was one of the valor in stealth mode?
Maybe, there’s also an argument to be made for Tom being an earthly embodiment of eru the creator given the whole knowing the world when it was young and seeing the first rain and first acorn bit.
Basically, we don’t know.
Sorta. We know he’s amoung the oldest beings in universe given the acorn line being able to be interpreted as seeing the first acorn or to be the first to see an acorn so first valar or eru.
I like to think he’s the conscious embodiment entropy of middle earth.
I mean, its entirely possible that he was created as some unforseen confluence of melodies in the Song of the Ainur. Sort of like how the popular theory for the origin of Ungoliant is that she arose from the discord between Melkor’s song and Eru’s song
Certainly, I just like that everything with a purpose seems drawn to him and he then directs them to where they’re supposed to be but they all leave questioning each other or themselves as to what the fuck just happened.