Woo hoo! I hadn’t heard of anyone else pointing this out (rather, I’m always on the receiving end of “But Wolfram says…”), so thanks for this comment! :-) Now I know I’m not alone in knowing that Wolfram is wrong.
like claiming the world isn’t definitely round because some people argue its flat
OMG, I’ve run into so many people like that. They seem to believe (via saying “look, this blog says it’s ambiguous too”) that 2 wrongs make a right. No, you’re both just wrong! Wolfram, Google, ChatGPT(!), the guy who should mind his own business, are all wrong.
Sometimes people are wrong
Yes, they are… and unfortunately a whole bunch of the time they’re unwilling to face it and/or admit it, even when faced with Maths textbooks which clearly show what they said is wrong.
Woo hoo! I hadn’t heard of anyone else pointing this out (rather, I’m always on the receiving end of “But Wolfram says…”), so thanks for this comment! :-) Now I know I’m not alone in knowing that Wolfram is wrong.
OMG, I’ve run into so many people like that. They seem to believe (via saying “look, this blog says it’s ambiguous too”) that 2 wrongs make a right. No, you’re both just wrong! Wolfram, Google, ChatGPT(!), the guy who should mind his own business, are all wrong.
Yes, they are… and unfortunately a whole bunch of the time they’re unwilling to face it and/or admit it, even when faced with Maths textbooks which clearly show what they said is wrong.