• Kaplya@hexbear.net
    9 months ago

    And yet Hard Times created Vladimir “why nobody wants to be friends with me after I tried so hard to please them” Putin.

    The meme is clearly wrong if you had just advanced one more block of history.

    • Awoo [she/her]@hexbear.net
      9 months ago

      You think the people that raised standards of living, ended famine and raised life expectancy from the mid 30s up to 65+ and brought their country to being number 2 world superpower in under 40 years while simultaneously eliminating unemployment, providing free healthcare and eliminating homelessness suck?

      Are you out of your fucking mind? This opinion is not based in reality, it is propaganda-brained.

      You are not immune to propaganda.

      • fl42v@lemmy.ml
        9 months ago

        I’m not saying I am immune to propaganda, yet there are 2 sides on that coin. Censorship I already mentioned, then we have repressions, basically encouraging ppl to accuse each other, etc.

        Eliminating unemployment and homelessness was also somewhat questionable, AFAIK: after finishing a uni, the future workers were forcibly sent somewhere to work for X (3, I guess?) yrs with dorms as accommodation to live with Y else ppl in the same room (so, a glorified homeless shelter). Now imagine that somewhere in Siberia. Although, yeah, better than nothing, I guess. On a side note, zero unemployment was “official”, and I personally judge their openness regarding stuff they didn’t like based on the Chernobyl accident’s handling.

        Free healthcare is great, no questions here. However, it wasn’t pioneered by the USSR, but actually dates back to Alexander the 2nd’s reforms (or even earlier).

        So, that’s kinda it, a nonexclusive list of reasons why I refuse to glorify USSR

        • Awoo [she/her]@hexbear.net
          9 months ago

          Censorship I already mentioned

          And you completely ignored anyone pointing out the same censorship in capitalist countries.

          then we have repressions

          Ahh yes, capitalism, famous for not repressing political dissidents. Please don’t look at Assange, or look up any of the mysterious deaths of BLM organisers, or look at the entire history of marxists being assassinated by the state. No repressions here!! The state has definitely never dropped literal bombs from planes on protesters! Nope. Never happened. The state has never blown up entire neighbourhoods with explosives to get one dissiddent family before. Nope. Never happened!

          You’re blind to all this shit because you’re probably a beneficiary of capitalism and want to continue it, knowing full well you’re a beneficiary. You ignore the heinous shit capitalists do, causing 2 world wars, slavery, and the modern heinous shit because it doesn’t affect you personally and as long as that is the case you don’t give a fuck. But you certainly do give a fuck about socialist states doing less bad stuff because those are a threat to your maintenance of the status quo that you benefit from.

          basically encouraging ppl to accuse each other

          No now you’re claiming that something the nazis did as a matter of systemic society-wide policy is something the soviets did. You’re doing literal actual fascist propaganda now of claiming the crimes of nazis were actually what the soviets did.

          Eliminating unemployment and homelessness was also somewhat questionable

          No it wasn’t.

          after finishing a uni, the future workers were forcibly sent somewhere to work for X (3, I guess?) yrs with dorms as accommodation to live with Y else ppl in the same room (so, a glorified homeless shelter)

          Please for the love of god stop getting your information about socialism from reddit comment sections filled with literal actual nazis. Holy fucking shit.

          Free healthcare is great, no questions here. However, it wasn’t pioneered by the USSR, but actually dates back to Alexander the 2nd’s reforms (or even earlier).

          Yeah you should just be banned. You’re a lost cause, a literal actual fucking moron that believes the country had ““healthcare”” at a time its life expectancy was in the mid 30s. How are you this fucking propagandised? What have you done to your brain? Do you just actively TRY to fill your head with shit? You want to believe this drivel so you seek it out? What is wrong with you? Do you ever actually think? Is there a single ounce of critical thought in your head or do you just unquestioningly believe anything anticommunist while doing everything you can to debunk in your mind anything pro communist?

          How much does your brain freak the fuck out when I tell you that the soviet gulag system had a lower death rate in the 1950s, over 70 years ago, than they do in current, modern day, american prisons?