The Yuuzhan Vong story arc in the old Star Wars Expanded Universe wasn’t exactly great, and the “nice space vampires” trend-chasing trash that followed was pretty bad, but what a lot of people don’t seem to remember, and what I only remembered just now, was that the early villain figure in the Vong arc was some angry Twi’lek lady that was leading what was called the “Diversity Alliance” and was actually an asset of the Vong. Basically, space SJW that wants space diversity is actually a space religious terrorist asset. :sus-torment:

  • Huldra [they/them, it/its]
    2 years ago

    Been hearing people rave about how House of the Dragon is all about how playing around with dragons is foolish shit and sooner or later they will fuck you over and how they’re a big nuke analogy etc, seems GRRM should watch it.

    • Tbh they managed to distill whatever little story and intrigue was mixed with the copious amounts of misogyny in Fire and Blood, and then turn it into a sort of cool tale about people. It’s not without its faults, but I’d even say that s1 is better than anything after s3 of GoT