• Judge_Juche [she/her]@hexbear.net
    2 years ago

    SMDH seeing Great Man theory being parroted on Hexbear, the allied victory over Mordor had way more to do with the five previous centuries of political-economic development in Gondor and specifically in the fertile and populous region of Lebennin than it did with a single 50 year old nerd from the completely irrelevant North Kingdoms.

    And not to burst your bubble here but Frodo Baggins, then in his 30s, was documented to be “companions” with hobbits as young as 18 and 11. Google the Baggin’s Black Book if you don’t belive belive me. But that is the kind of great man you are stanning.

    • huf [he/him]@hexbear.net
      2 years ago

      lol what no, they won purely, 120% because a volcano erupted at just the right time and destroyed the entire capital of their enemies. pure dumb fucking luck.

      the rest of the book is nearly entirely made up hagiography to cement the soft coup of gondor by a vagrant and a vagrant with a beard.

      elves dont exist. elrond is just a man. sauron is also just a man, if he exists at all. he probably doesnt, if he ever did.

      • Cromalin [she/her]@hexbear.net
        2 years ago

        The Red Book of Westmarch is, of course, not actually written by Bilbo, Frodo, and Sam. It is a much later concoction, and it’s fundamental purpose is to sell a narrative legitimizing the Fairbairns of the Towers’ status as one of the three paramount families of the Shire,without compromising the politically important narrative of their half-legendary progenitor, Samwise Gamgee as an ascended commoner.

        To this end, it interweaves a complicated web of triple anachronism. On the one hand, it anachronistically projects the prosperity and easygoing lifestyle of the contemporary gentry onto the historic characters of Peregrin Took, Meriadoc Brandybuck, and Frodo Baggins, portraying the three of them (all, other records make clear, experienced tribal war-leaders skilled in guerrilla warfare well before their mercenary expedition to the south lands) as bumbling hedonists before they were “toughened up” by their travels. On the other hand, it conflates Frodo Baggins, a historic personage who willed his considerable fortune to Samwise Gamgee, who was probably his homosexual lover, with Frodo Nine-Fingers, generally thought to be a wholly mythic personage belonging to an entirely earlier era.

        Thus, while “Merry” and “Pippin” grow into formidable leaders in the courts of Southern sovereigns, Frodo (the originator of the Gamgee fortune) is saving the world, and Samwise Gamgee is making it all possible.

        (@Judge_Juche this was meant as a reply to you)

        • Judge_Juche [she/her]@hexbear.net
          2 years ago

          Lol, I’m wholeheartedly accepting this becuase it validates my prejudice against the hobbits, they simply should not have been in the book. You know what makes the Silmarillion better than LOTR, no hobbits in the First Age.

          I would maybe also add that the only reason Tom Bombodil makes an unnecessary appearance is to legitimize their heretical worship of him, instead of the one god Eru.