Flight sim is probably the most expensive PC game category except from maybe whaling in certain games for lootboxes.
A large storage drive is a given for most, even sometimes dedicated drives and its not that expensive these days. It realy isn’t 2000-10’s anymore, storage is incredibly cheap now.
Have a main OS SSD + 1 dedicated storage HDD is a given.
My experience with XP11 is that the barrier is the knowledge and dedication to do custom scenery(ortho) compared to what MSFS gives out of the box. You’re paying quite a premium for MSFS’s convenience and massive coverage.
Flight sim is probably the most expensive PC game category except from maybe whaling in certain games for lootboxes.
A large storage drive is a given for most, even sometimes dedicated drives and its not that expensive these days. It realy isn’t 2000-10’s anymore, storage is incredibly cheap now. Have a main OS SSD + 1 dedicated storage HDD is a given.
My experience with XP11 is that the barrier is the knowledge and dedication to do custom scenery(ortho) compared to what MSFS gives out of the box. You’re paying quite a premium for MSFS’s convenience and massive coverage.